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A Note on Cauchy sn-Symmetric Spaces

2013-12-22 05:21CHENNeiping

CHEN Nei-ping

(College of Information,Hunan University of Commerce,Changsha 410205,China)

1 Introduction and definitions

sn-Symmetric spaces are an important generalization of symmetric spaces.Recently,Ge and Li[1]investigate sn-symmetric spaces and proved that a space is a weak Cauchy sn-symmetric space if and only if it is a sequentially-quotient π-image of a metric space.By viewing this result,the following question can be raised:

Question 1.1How characterize Cauchy sn-symmetric spaces by means of certain π-images of metric spaces?

In this paper,we prove that a space is a Cauchy sn-symmetric space if and only if it is a sequence-covering π-image of a metric space,which answers the above question.

Throughout this paper,all spaces are Hausdroff and all mappings are continuous and surjective.N denotes the set of all natural numbers.For a collection P of subsets of a space X and a mapping f:X →Y,denotes {f(P):P ∈P}by f(P),Px={P ∈P:x ∈P)and st(x,P)=∩Px.For the usual product spacedenotes the projective ontoFor a sequence {xn}in a space X,denotes〈xn〉={xn:n ∈N}.

Definition 1.2[2-3]Let f:X →Y be a mapping.

(1)f is called a sequence-covering mapping,if whenever {yn}is a convergent sequence in Y,then there exists a convergent sequence {xn}in X such that each xn∈f-1(yn).

(2)f is called a sequentially-quotient mapping,if for each convergent sequence S in Y,there exists a convergent sequence L in X such that f(L)is a subsequence of S.

Obviously,every sequence-covering mapping is sequentially-quotient.

Definition 1.3[4]Let X be a space,and P ?X.

(1)A sequence {xn}in X is called eventually in P,if {xn}converges to x,and there exists m ∈N such that {x}∪{xn:n ≥m}?P.

(2)P is called a sequential neighborhood of x in X,if x ∈P,and whenever a sequence {xn}in X converges to x,then {xn}is eventually in P.

(3)P is called sequential open in X,if P is a sequential neighborhood of each of its points.

(4)X is called a sequential space,if any sequential open subset of X is open in X.

Definition 1.4[5]Let P be a collection of subsets of a space X and x ∈X.

(1)P is called a network of x in X,if x ∈∩P and for each neighborhood U of x,there exists P ∈P such that P ?U.

(2)P is called a sn-network of x in X,if P is a network of x in X and each element of P is also a sequential neighborhood of x.

(3)P is called a cs-cover for X,if P is a cover for X,and every convergent sequence in X is eventually in some element of P.

(4)P is called a sn-cover for X,if P is a cover for X,every element of P is a sequential neighborhood of some point in X,and for each x ∈X there exists a sequential neighborhood P of x in X such that P ∈P.

Definition 1.5Let {Pn}be a sequence of covers of a space X.

(1){Pn}is called a point-star network for X,if for each x ∈X,〈st(x,Pn)〉is a network of x in X.

(2){Pn}is called a sn-development for X,if for each x ∈X,〈st(x,Pn)〉is a sn-network of x in X.

Definition 1.6Let X be a set.A non-negative real valued function d defined on X× X is called a d-function on X,if d(x,x)=0 and d(x,y)=d(y,x)for any x ∈X.

Let d be a d-function on a space X.In this paper we write B(x,1/n)={y ∈X:d(x,y)<1/n},d(A)=sup{d(x,y):x,y ∈A}and d(A,B)=inf{d(x,y):x ∈and y ∈B},where x ∈X,n ∈N and A,B ?X.

Definition 1.7[6]Let d be a d-function on a space X.(X,d)is called an sn-symmetric space,if d satisfies the condition:{B(x,1/n):n ∈N}is an sn-network of x in X for any x ∈X,where d is called an sn-symmetric on X.

Definition 1.8[7]Let(X,d)be a metric space and let f:X →Y be a mapping.f is called a π-mapping with respect to d,if for each y ∈Y and each open neighborhood V in Y,d(f-1(y),Mf-1(V))>0.

Definition 1.9[8]Let(X,d)be an sn-symmetric space,Then,

(1)A sequence {xn}in X is called d-Cauchy,if for each ε >0,there exists k ∈N such that d(xm,xn)<ε for all n,m >k.

(2)X is called a Cauchy sn-symmetric space,if each convergent sequence in X is d-Cauchy.

2 Main results

Lemma 2.1[1]Let(X,d)be an sn-symmetric space,n ∈N and x ∈X.Put Pn={A ?X:d(A)<1/n},then st(x,Pn)=B(x,1/n).

Theorem 2.2The following are equivalent for a space X:

(1)X is a Cauchy sn-symmetric space.

(2)X has a sn-development consisting of cs-covers.

(3)X has a sn-development consisting of sn-covers.

(4)X is a sequence-covering π-image of a metric space.

Proof(1)?(2).Suppose X is a Cauchy sn-symmetric space.For each n ∈N,put

Pn={A ?X:d(A)<1/n}

By Lemma 2.1,st(x,Pn)=B(x,1/n)for each x ∈X,so〈st(x,Pn)〉is a network of x in X for each x ∈X.Thus {Pn}is a point-star network for X.

For each n ∈N and each sequence {xi}converging to x ∈X,since {xi}is d-Cauchy,then there exists m1∈N such that d(xi,xj)<1/(n+1)for all i,j ≥m1Since X is a sn-symmetric space,then {B(x,1/i):i ∈N}is an sn-network of x in X.So B(x,1/(n+1))is a sequential neighborhood of x in X.Thus there exists m2∈N such that d(x,xi)<1/(n+1)for all i ≥m2.Put P={x}∪{xi:i ≥m}with m=max{m1,m2},then P ∈Pn.Obviously,{xi}is eventually in P.Hence each Pnis a cs-cover for X.

For each x ∈X and n ∈N,since Pnis a cs-cover for X,then st(x,Pn)is a sequential neighborhood of x in X.So〈st(x,Pn)〉is a sn-network of x in X.Thus,{Pn}is a sn-development for X.

t(x,y)=min{n:x ?st(y,Pn)}(x ≠y).

We define

then a d-function on X.

ClaimFor each x,y ∈X,x ∈st(y,Pn)if and only if t(x,y)>n.

In fact,the if part is obvious[9-11].The only if part:Suppose x ∈st(y,Pn)but t(x,y)≤n,since Pnrefine Pt(x,y),then st(y,Pn)?st(y,Pt(x,y)).Note that x ?st(y,Pt(x,y)),so x ?st(y,Pn),a contradiction.

For each x ∈X and n ∈N,st(x,Pn)=B(x,1/2n)by the Claim.Because {Pn}is a pointstar network for X,then(X,d)is a sn-symmetric space and d has the following property:for each x ∈X and ε >0,there exists δ=δ(x,ε)>0 such that d(x,y)<δ and d(x,z)<δ imply d(y,z)<ε.Otherwise,there exist ε0>0 and two sequences {yn}and {zn}in X such that d(yn,zn)≥ε0whenever d(x,yn)<1/2nand d(x,zn)<1/2n.From Pnis a point-star network for X,{yn}and {zn}all converge to x.We choose k ∈N such that 1=2k<ε0.Since Pkis a cs-cover for X,then {ym,zm}?P for some m ∈N and P ∈Pk.Thus ym∈st(zm,Pk).By the Claim,t(ym,zm)>k.Thus,d(ym,zm)=1/2t(ym,zm)<1/2k<ε0,a contradiction.

For each x ∈X and n ∈N,we can pick δ=δ(x,n)such that d(y,z)<1/n whenever d(x,y)<δ and d(x,z)<δ.Let g(n,x)=B(x,δ(x,n)).Since Pnis a cs-cover for X,then st(x,Pn)is a sequential neighborhood of x in X,so g(n,x)is also.Put

Fn={g(n,x):x ∈X},then every Fnis a sn-cover for X.

If {Fn}is not a point-star network for X,then there exist x ∈G ∈τ(X)and two sequences {xn}and{yn}in X such that x ∈g(n,yn)and xn∈g(n,yn)G.So {xn}does not converge to x,and d(yn,x)<δ(yn,xn)<δ(yn,n).By the condition,d(x,xn)<1/n.This implies that {xn}converges to x,a contradiction.Hence Fnis a point-start network for X[12-13].


Since st(x,F(xiàn)n)is a sequential neighborhood of x in X for each x ∈X and n ∈N,then {Fn}is a sn-development for X.

(2)?(1).Suppose {Pi}is a sn-development consisting of cs-covers for X.We can assume that Pn+1refines Pnfor each n ∈N.A similar proof of(2)?(3),we can define a sn-symmetric d on X such that st(x,Pn)=B(x,1/2n)for each x ∈X and n ∈N.So(X,d)is a sn-symmetric space.For each sequence {xn}in X converging to x ∈X and ε >0,there exists k ∈N such that 1/2k<ε.Since Pkis a cs-cover for X,then there exist P ∈Pkand l ∈N such that {x}∪{xn:n ≥l}?P.If n,m ≥l,then xn,xm∈P,so xn∈st(xm,Pk).Thus t(xn,xm)>k by the Claim in(2)?(3).Hence d(xn,xm)=1/2t(xn,xm)<1/2k<ε whenever n,m ≥l.Therefore {xn}is d-Cauchy.This implies that X is a Cauchy sn-symmetric space.

(3)?(4).Suppose {Pn}is a sn-development consisting of sn-covers for X.For each i ∈N,let Pi={Pα:α ∈Λi},endow Λiwith the discrete topology,then Λiis a metric space.Put

and endow M with the subspace topology induced from the usual product topology of the collection {Λi:i ∈N}of metric spaces,then M is a metric space.Since X is Hausdroff,xαis unique in X.For each α ∈M.We define f:M →X by f(α)=xα.For each x ∈X and i ∈N,there exists αi∈Λisuch that x ∈Pαi.From {Pi}is a point-star network for X,{Pαi:i ∈N}is a network of x in X.Put α=(αi),then α ∈M and f(α)=x.Thus f is surjective.Suppose α=(αi)∈M and f(α)=x ∈U ∈τ(X),then exists n ∈N such that Pαn?U.Put

V={β ∈M:the n-th coordinate of β is αn}.

then α ∈V ∈τ(X),and f(V)?Pαn?U.Hence f is continuous.

1)f is a π-mapping.For each α,β ∈M,we define

then d is a distance on M.Because the topology of M is the subspace topology induced from the usual product topology of the collection {Λi:i ∈N}of discrete spaces,thus d is metric on M.For each x ∈U ∈τ(X),note that {Pn}is a point-star network for X,there exists n ∈N such that st(x,Pn)?U.For α ∈f-1(x),β ∈M,if d(α,β)<1/n,then πi(α)=πi(β)for all i ≤n.So x ∈Pπn(α)=Pπn(β).Thus



Therefore f is a π-mapping.

2)f is a sequence-covering mapping.

Suppose {xn}converges to x in X.For each i ∈N,since every Piis a sn-cover for X,then there exists αi∈Λisuch that Pαiis a sequential neighborhood of x in X,so {xn}is eventually in Pαi.From {Pi}is a point-star network for X,〈Pαi〉is a network of x in X.Put,then βx∈f-1(x).For each n ∈N,if xn∈Pαi,let αin=αi;if xn?Pαi,pick αin∈Λisuch that xn∈Pαin.Thus there exists ni∈N such that αin=αifor all n >ni.So {αin}converges to αi.For each n ∈N,put

then βn∈f-1(xn)and {βn}converges to βx.Thus f is a sequence-covering mapping.

(4)?(2).Suppose X is a image of a metric space(M,d)under a sequence-covering π-mapping f.For each n ∈N,put Bn={B(z,1/n)):z ∈M)and Pn=f(Bn).Then {Pn}is a point-star network for X.In fact,for each x ∈X and its open neighborhood U,since f is a π-mapping,then there exists n ∈N such that d(f-1(x),Mf-1(U))>1/n.We can pick m ∈N such that m ≥2n.If z ∈M with x ∈f(B(z,1/m)),then


d(f-1(x),Mf-1(U))≤2/m ≤1/n,

a contradiction.Thus B(z,1=m)?f-1(U),so f(B(z,1/m))?U.Hence st(x,Pm)?U.This implies that{Pn}is a point-star network for X.

For each n ∈N,since Bnis a cs-cover for M and sequence-covering mappings preserve cs-covers,then Pnis a cs-cover for X.

For each x ∈X and n ∈N,since Pnis a cs-cover for X,then st(x,Pn)is a sequential neighborhood of x in X.So〈st(x,Pn)〉is a sn-network of x in X.Thus,{Pn}is a sn-development for X.

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