【Abstract】Literature is often adapted by second language educators as a source of activities, however, it is worth considering what is going on when students read or fail to read literature. As one of the important literacy genre, drama is widely used as a teaching material in second language learning, especially in university for advanced learners. As for the unique feature of dramatic dialogue, it is worth discussing whether drama should be taught as a separate subject or used as a pedagogical method. In this eassy, this author will analyze the current situation of literature in second language teaching, especially drama in education from two aspects: advantages of drama teaching and features of dramatic dialogue.
【Key words】drama; literature; English learning
Teachers have the duty of choosing the proper context for student, not only for the language teaching purpose, but also help students establish positive life values. Especially for drama teachers, they have the task of selecting materials that will interest students, for their teaching is not based on a particular textbook, they have the whole history of life and literature to choose from (Gallagher, 2001). When teachers apply drama to classroom teaching, it is also worth thinking of these sources or generators of curriculum as the trigger or springboard for improvised exploration (Gallagher, 2001). Different types of activities could be developed based on the text, not only role playing. Creative writing could be an alternative exercise, teacher would only present the beginning part of the whole play and let students make up their own stories and they could either write it in the dramatic dialogue way or they can change it into a narration. Drama, in this way, is not only useful for conversation learning, but also a good resource for writing skills study.
Advantages of drama teaching
What distinguishes drama from novel is that conflicts in it occur frequently and dramatically, while in novel story seems to develop in a more real-life way. Most of the language in drama is dialogues, so characters personality need to be distinguished, sometimes exaggerated. From drama learning, students could easily figure out the development of the story, and the strong personality of the characters may have a deep effect on their own growth. Drama could help students make sense of different situation and evaluate choices and dilemmas, which is not simply a subject but of great importance to contribute to students personal growth (Fleming, 2001a).
Features of dramatic dialogue
According to Styans (2000) study, spoken words have the power to convey both the meaning and the feeling, which reveals the speakers state of mind, psychological working. Nevertheless, words must fall into patterns of sound to be intelligible, so in some occasions, patterns may obey the general rules of language and formal grammar. Some conscious adjustments are made during the conversation, such as the emphasis or stress placed on a certain word. Some changes are made particularly to meet different features of speech, as the example presented in Styans (2000) book, a simple question like “Who goes there?” can be changed from a threat to invitation, which the famous opening lines of Chekhovs The Seagull demonstrate it obviously:
Why do you always wear black?
I am in mourning for my life. (trans. Constance Garnett)
“It changes the deep expression of suffering to a light quip about existence.” (Styan, 2000).
Some of the elements emphasized in drama dialogue can also be applied to daily conversation as well. Such as the rate and speed of speech, if the utterance is continued in the same speed and rate, listeners would easily get bored and find it hard to concentrate. Besides, in dramatic dialogue, the power and strength of speaking are always under the effect of crescendo and diminuendo just as in musical notation (Styan, 2000). In oral conversation, same strategy might be used as well.
As Hornbrook (1989 in Fleming, 2001a, p.19) said “It is a question of not just learning through drama but learning in drama”. Dramatic dialogue can be an efficient approach to conversation study in second language learning, as long as the materials are carefully chosen and adapted into classroom teaching. “Drama helps not just to use language but to experience our use of language” (Fleming, 2001a, p.47). Through drama study, students could acquire not only language skills, but also more literacy understanding about life and values, which is essential for learners long-term development.
[1]Fleming,M.(2001a).Starting Drama Teaching.London:David Fulton Publishers.