Pathways to Success(Ⅰ)
Develop and Enrich Strategic Partnerships
America will benefit from strategic partnerships that align what is taught and learned with what is needed at work and in the community. Cross-sector strategic partnerships are needed that better connect educational entities, employers, and the broader communities they serve in order to foster communication and better align workforce needs with educational preparation.
There are three objectives under this pathway:
Foster STEM Ecosystems that Unite Communities
STEM ecosystems engage educators and individuals within and outside a formal educational setting, and include, among others, families; school districts; State, local, and Tribal governments; the Federal Government and Federal facilities; libraries; museums and science centers; community colleges, technical schools, and universities; community groups and clubs; foundations and nonprofits; faith- based organizations; and businesses. STEM ecosystems focus on long-term, shared, sustainable, and flexible STEM missions.
Key Federal actions needed to achieve this objective include:
·Establish additional connections between Federal STEM professionals and Federal facilities and local and regional STEM ecosystems to provide additional opportunities for mentorship, educator professional development, curriculum material development, and other community engagement activities. Establish a single, searchable, user-friendly online resource.
·Increase the number of Federal funding opportunities that include STEM ecosystem engagement or development as an award selection criterion.
·Support intramural and extramural research on factors that influence the success of STEM ecosystems and disseminate successful practices.
Increase Work-Based Learning and Training through Educator-Employer Partnerships
Strategic partnerships that promote work-based learning (WBL) experiences offer powerful, relevant ways to ensure that STEM learning is authentic and engaging, and that learners are prepared to succeed in the modern workforce.
Key Federal actions needed to achieve this objective include:
·Expand the availability of high-quality, paid internships and apprenticeships within Federal agencies.
·Increase the use of the flexible hiring authorities provided by the Federal Pathways employment program, expedite the conversion of Pathways employees to competitive service positions, and quickly begin to use the recently expanded direct and expedited hiring authorities, with a focus on creating a more diverse Federal STEM workforce.
·Increase the number of Federal funding opportunities that explicitly include the use of WBL partnerships as an award selection criterion, including opportunities for educators to broaden their skills through WBL outside the classroom.
·Develop new hiring authorities to convert apprentices, interns, postdoctoral fellows, and others participating in WBL programs to full-time, permanent Federal employment.
Blend Successful Practices from Across the Learning Landscape
Education systems that combine high-quality career and technical training with college preparatory curriculum are particularly effective at preparing students for both employment and post-secondary study, especially when training required to obtain industry-recognized credentials is embedded in the coursework.
Federal agencies should continue to support collaborations among core academic and technical educators in both formal and informal learning environments and endeavor to further unite stakeholders from across the learning landscape.
Key Federal actions needed to achieve this objective include:
·Prioritize Federal support for STEM educator “upskilling” and professional development, including CTE and college preparatory teachers and educators working in both formal and informal settings.
·Prioritize research on the most effective approaches for blending successful learning practices across formal and informal and college preparatory and CTE settings.
·Convene stakeholders through webinars, workshops, and other mechanisms to share effective approaches for blending successful learning practices, and to develop guidance for educators on scaling and replicating best practices.