【摘要】英語里表達否定意義的方法一般是直接在句子里加no,not,none, never, hardly, little, scarcely, seldom, neither…nor…等; 或在單詞前加前綴dis-, in-, non-, un-, under-, 如: discomfort , incapable, nonconfidence, untouched, undernourish; 或在單詞后加后綴less, 如helpless, careless 。
任何語言,均往往以豐富多樣的方法來表達同一意義,以求得異曲同工之妙 。自然,英語也不例外 。英語里表達否定意義的方法, 一般是直接在句子里加no,not,none,never,hardly,little , scarcely , seldom , neither…nor…等 ; 或在單詞前加前綴dis- , in- , non- , un-,under- ,如: discomfort , incapable, nonconfidence , untouched , undernourish ; 或在單詞后加后綴less , 如helpless , careless 。以上諸種否定方法,均為一般的英語學習者所熟知 。但是,英語里還不乏采用間接手段來表示否定意義的方法,本文謂之“間接否定”,意指其否定意義蘊藉而不顯露?,F(xiàn)對若干間接否定方法舉例如下:
1. I rather than you, should do the work . 該做這項工作的是我,而不是你 。
2. He would sooner die than surrender.? 他寧死不降 。
1.? anything but. His manners are anything but? pleasant. (His manners are not pleasant.)他的舉止并不令人喜歡 。
2. but? for. But for your help , I should have failed .? 如非你之助,我早已失敗了。
3. but what. Not a day but what it rains.? 沒有一天不下雨。
1. The beauty of the place is more than? I can describe .? 此地的美麗真是無法形容。
2 . The traveller entertained his host with stories , some of which were really more than? could be believed .? 旅行者給主人講了一些故事,其中有一些簡直難以置信 。
1. What do I care?? (=? I do not care .)? 我才不在乎呢!
2. Am I my brothers? keeper ?? (= It is not my duty to keep my brother .)? 難道要我來照看弟弟嗎 ?
3. Who knows? (= No one knows .) 誰知道 ?
1. If I had the money , I would buy it . (= Now I have not the money ,? so I cant buy it .) 我假若有錢,就會買這些東西 。
2. How nice it would be if you could stay a bit longer !(=? The fact is that you cant stay .)? 你如果能多呆一會,那該有多好!
1. off guard = not alert to coming danger. In the second that the boxer was off guard ,? his opponent landed a knockout punch. 拳擊手沒留心的當兒·,對手即把他擊倒了。
2. beside the? point? = having nothing to do with something
The judge told the witness that his remarks were beside the point? ?。? 法官告訴證人他的話根本與案子無關(guān) 。
1. free from. In April the metropolis is free from? ?fog and mist .? (= In? April? there is no fog and mist in the metropolis .)? 這大都市在四月份沒有霧靄 。
2.? short? of. We did not buy anything because we were short of? ?money .? (=? We did not buy anything because we did not have enough money.)? ?我們因缺錢而沒買東西 。
He is too? ?weak to? walk . 他太虛弱,不能走路 。
1. I failed in persuading him. 我說不了他 。
2. The exact date has escaped? me? .? 我記不起確切的日期了。
1. He is the last man to accept a bribe . 他絕不是受賄的人。
2. Romantic is the last thing I? am? . 我絕不是浪漫的人。
There is much room for improvement in your work. 你的工作有很大的改進空間。
Much I care. 我才不在乎呢。
如:lack, absence, failure.
The failure was the making of him.這次不成功是他后來成功的基礎(chǔ)。
如:short, missing, far等。
Her explanation is far from satisfactory.她的解釋不讓人滿意。
At no time were we friends.
如:hardly,scarcely,seldom等。He seldom gets any sleep.