Strive to Realize the Concept Advancement of a Class
ZHANG Junxia
ZHANG Junxia
Deputy Director (in charge of work) and Editor of Comprehensive Science Department of People’s Education Press
Member of the Textbook Compilation Group of Science Published by People’s Education Hubei Education Press
Deputy Secretary General of Science Popularization Education Committee of China Science Popularization Writers Association
We advocate improving the effectiveness of class? room teaching and realizing the real acquisition of students’ classroomteaching. For scienceclassroom teaching,wecanorganizethespecificcontentof classroom teaching from the micro level and clarify the main line of classroom teaching. For the science classroom whose teaching objectives include a certain learning objective required by the curriculumstan? dard, we can organize the learning content according to the development path of students’ understanding of this learning objective, and realize the concept ad? vancement of a class. The learning objectives of each level in the curriculum standard can be understood as the level concept decomposed by a main concept. Tounderstandalevelconceptinthe40-minute class, we can refer to the "hierarchical model for the developmentofscientificconceptunderstanding"(hereinafter referred to as the hierarchical model) in the article "advanced science teaching design based oncoreliteracylearning",whichisusedforthe learning of specific scientific concepts in a short time.
The hierarchical model divides the development path of concept understanding into five levels: experi? ence,mapping,relevance,systemandintegration. These five levels of conceptual understanding can be understood as follows: experience, students have some daily experience and scattered facts that are not relat? ed to each other; Mapping, students can establish the relationshipbetweenconceptandexperience;Rele? vance, students can establish the relationship between concepts and multiple experience characteristics; Sys? tem, students can construct the basic understanding ofscientificconcepts;Throughintegration,students can apply concepts in a wider range of situations and show a certain scientific concept or interdisciplin? ary problem-solving ability.
For example, in the second grade lesson "put them in the water", the key teaching objectives set correspond to the learning objectives of grade 1-2 in the curriculum standard: know that some objects can be dissolved in a certain amount of water, such as salt and sugar, etc; Some substances are difficult to dissolve in water, such as sand and edible oil. Ac? cording to the development path of hierarchical mod? el, students can construct this concept in a class.
Experience: show some soluble and insoluble sol? id substances, such as white granulated sugar, sour plum crystal (or brown sugar), sawdust, sand, etc., andaskstudentstopredicthowthesesubstances will be put into water, so as to obtain students’ origi? nal understanding of dissolution.
Mapping: put these solids in water to get the first idea of dissolution - the solids are out of sight.
Relevance: put sour plum crystal into water, ob? serve the process of putting sour plum crystal into water, and get a preliminary understanding of dissolu? tion - solid is evenly dispersed in water. Put edible oil, honey and other liquid substances into water to get a preliminary understanding of dissolution: liquid can also be evenly dispersed in water.
System: through the induction of the above phe? nomena, we can preliminarily summarize what is dis? solution - the matter is evenly dispersed in water and cannot be seen.
Integration: at the end of this lesson, pour a lot of salt into a small amount of water to get a scientif? icunderstandingofthemainconceptthatthe amount of matter dissolved in water is limited by the amount of water, that is, matter dissolved in a cer? tain amount of water.
If the scientific concepts contained in the teach? ing objectives have multiple meanings, the five levels can be staggered when applying the hierarchical mod? el to the teaching design.
For example, in the third grade of "food diges? tion", the key teaching goal set corresponds to the learning goal of grade 3-4 in the curriculum stan? dard: briefly describe the organs used by the human body to absorb nutrients. The understanding of diges? tive organs in this course should be combined with the path of food entering the human body and being digested.
Experience1:chewingsteamedbreadinthe mouth,experiencechewingsteamedbreadinthe teeth, tongue, saliva, smaller, sticky, sweet.
Mapping1:checksteamedbreadchewedand not chewed with iodine wine, and experience the ini? tial digestionof steamedbread--part of starch turns into sugar.
Relevance: eating iced fruit, experience the up? per path of food from the mouth to the digestive or? gans - food from the mouth through the esophagus into the stomach.
Experience 2: draw food path map to understand students’ cognition of digestive organs.
Mapping 2: observe the stereogram of digestive organs to get a preliminary understanding of digestive organs.
System: by watching the video materials about di? gestive organs and integrating the above teaching ex? perience, students can understand the basic process that food is gradually digested and absorbed in the process of passing through digestive organs.
Integration: if there is still teaching time, this lesson can guide students to learn how to protect di? gestive organs.
The above discussion is based on the construc? tion of scientific concepts as the focus of teaching ob? jectives. Other science classes that do not focus on the construction of scientific concepts, such as de? sign, production, evaluation and improvement in the field of technology and engineering, need to combine design thinking with engineering thinking.