楊妙 毛里林
并非所有以–ly結(jié)尾的英語單詞都是副詞。有些就是形容詞,如earthly(地球的;世俗的;塵世的)、heavenly(神圣的/迷人的/天堂的)和lovely(可愛的/好看的/高尚的)等;有些既作副詞也作形容詞,如beastly(獸性的/不潔的/討厭的;非常地/過分地), cowardly(膽小的/卑怯的;膽小地/卑怯地), leisurely(從容的/悠閑的/慢慢的;從容地/悠閑地/緩慢地)等;還有的甚至兼作三種詞類。本文擬從“人物性質(zhì)類”、“時間概念類”和“易錯誤用類”三個方面簡述以–ly結(jié)尾的形容詞。
His fatherly kindness attaches all of his children to Nadim.因為納迪姆像父親一般的仁慈,所以他的孩子們都很依戀他。
In her book, Englishmen are the most gentlemanly people under the sun.在她看來,英國男子是全球最有紳士風(fēng)度的人。
I leave her the infant of your care, beseeching you to give her princely training.我把這個娃娃交給你們撫養(yǎng),懇求你們給她符合公主身份的教養(yǎng)。
Seldom have I seen so graceful a figure, so womanly a presence, and so beautiful a face.像她這樣儀態(tài)優(yōu)美、風(fēng)度高雅、容貌漂亮的女人我還很少看到。
時間概念類形容詞由表示時間的名詞加后綴-ly構(gòu)成,也作副詞,意思為“每......的/地”等,常見的詞有:bi-month→bimonthly每兩月的/地,bi-week→biweekly每兩周的/地,hour→hourly每小時的/每小時地,minute→minutely每分鐘的/每分鐘地,month→monthly每月的/每月地,night→nightly每夜的/夜夜,quarter→quarterly每季的/每季地,time→timely及時的/及時地,week→weekly每周的/每周,year→yearly每年的/每年。此外,還作名詞,如daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, bimonthly和quarterly為,意思分別是“日報/刊,周報/刊,雙周報/刊,月報/刊,雙月報/刊,季報/刊”。例如:
Laura acts as a teacher here, with her weekly wage of ¥1,500.勞拉在這里教書,周薪為1,500(人民幣)元。
This kind of newspaper sells well, published weekly.這種報紙賣得很好,每周出版一次。(副詞:每周)
I make it a rule to contribute a biweekly article concerning foreign affairs.我習(xí)慣每兩周寫一篇有關(guān)外交事務(wù)的文章。
The special committee meets on a regular basis, usually monthly or bimonthly.這個特別委員會定期會面,通常是每月或每兩月一次。(副詞:雙月地)
The yearly conference, to be held next week, will be of great importance.下周舉行的年度會議將很重要。
A female rat may have five or six litters yearly, and an average of nine per litter.一只雌鼠每年可產(chǎn)幼仔五至六窩,平均每窩九只。(副詞:每年地)
Danny Wang likes reading China Daily in the afternoon.王丹尼喜歡下午讀《中國日報》。(名詞:日報)
常見的易錯誤用類詞有costly,deadly,likely, lively, unlikely等,其比較級和最高級均有兩種形式,即用-er;-est和more; most構(gòu)成。costly只做形容詞,意思是“昂貴的;代價高的;損失大的”;deadly既作形容詞也作副詞,但兩者意思相差甚遠;lively有“活潑的;繁忙的;熱烈的;歡快的”等意思;而likely和unlikely只能作表語,意思是“可能的”。例如:
The decision to wait could be a more costly/costlier mistake.決定等待可能是個代價更加高昂的錯誤。
While COVID-19 is a fearsome disease,it is not a deadly one if treated timely.雖然新冠肺炎是可怕的疾病,但如果治療及時,并不至于奪命的。(形容詞:致命的)
Generally speaking,broadcast news was accurate and reliable but deadly dull.一般來說,新聞廣播準(zhǔn)確可靠但卻非??菰?。(副詞:非常地;極度地)
She wrote a passage with a very lively writing style.她寫了一段富有活潑文風(fēng)的文章。
Wuyi Road, the city of Changsha, is a lively street.長沙市五一路是條繁忙的大街。
The students had a lively discussion.學(xué)生們進行了熱烈的討論。
The company is unlikely to survive more than another year.= It is unlikely that the company will survive more than another year.那家公司再要多撐一年都不大可能。
As likely as not(=most/very likely) Mary has forgotten all about it.瑪麗很可能把這件事情忘得一干二凈了。(習(xí)語:說不定;很可能)
注意:likely作副詞通常與 most, very 連用。如:I think Owen will very/most likely go to bed very early tonight.我認為歐文今晚很可能很早就會上床睡覺了。