【摘要】" 目的" 采用兩樣本孟德爾隨機化(mendelian randomization,MR)分析方法,探討油性、非油性魚類攝入與前列腺癌之間的因果關(guān)聯(lián)。方法" 英國生物銀行提供了油性和非油性魚攝入量的全基因組關(guān)聯(lián)研究(GWAS)數(shù)據(jù)。芬蘭數(shù)據(jù)庫提供了前列腺癌GWAS數(shù)據(jù)。采用了反方差加權(quán)(IVW)作為兩樣本孟德爾隨機化分析的主要方法。同時進行異質(zhì)性和水平多效性檢驗以確保結(jié)果的穩(wěn)健性。結(jié)果" 當油性魚類攝入作為暴露時,IVW分析顯示存在顯著的相關(guān)性(P=0.004,B=0.72),且IVW的方向性和其余三個分析相一致。當非油性魚類攝入為暴露時,IVW未發(fā)現(xiàn)與前列腺癌具有相關(guān)性(P=0.09,B=1.29),且使用MR Egger、Weighted Median和Weighted mode方法進行了進一步的分析,仍未發(fā)現(xiàn)明顯相關(guān)性。結(jié)論" 研究結(jié)果表明,攝入油性魚類可能增加患前列腺癌的風險,非油性魚類攝入與前列腺癌無相關(guān)性。
【關(guān)鍵詞】" 油性魚類;前列腺癌;全基因組關(guān)聯(lián)研究;因果推斷;孟德爾隨機化
中圖分類號" R737.25" "文獻標識碼" A" " 文章編號" 1671-0223(2024)04--05
Causal association of oiled and non-oiled fish intake with prostate cancer: a two-sample Mendelian randomization study Chen Kang, Zhang Jiayi, Gao Weixing. North China University of Science and Technology Affiliated Hospital, Tangshan 063000, China
【Abstract】" Objective To investigate the causal association between oiled and non-oiled fish intake and prostate cancer using two-sample mendelian randomization (MR) analysis. Methods Genome-wide association study (GWAS) data on the intake of oily and non-oily fish were obtained from the UK Biobank. Prostate cancer GWAS data for this study were provided by the Finnish database. Inverse variance weighting (IVW) was employed as the primary method for the two-sample Mendelian randomization analysis. Concurrent heterogeneity and horizontal pleiotropy analyses were conducted to ensure the robustness of the results. Results When oily fish intake was used as exposure, the IVW analysis showed a significant correlation (P=0.004, B=0.72), and the directionality of the IVW was consistent with the remaining three analyses. When non-oily fish intake was exposure, IVW showed no association with prostate cancer (P=0.09, B=1.29), and further analysis using MR Egger, Weighted Median, and Weighted mode methods still revealed no significant association. Conclusion The study findings suggest that consuming oily fish may increase the risk of prostate cancer, whereas the intake of non-oily fish is not correlated with prostate cancer.
【Key words】" Oily fish; Prostate cancer; Genome-wide association study; Causal inference; Two-sample mendelian randomization analysis
1" 對象與方法
1.1" 研究對象
1.2" 統(tǒng)計分析
MR分析使用MendelR R軟件包進行,該分析從不同的隊列中獲取與暴露(油性魚攝入)相關(guān)的SNPs,以估計暴露對結(jié)果的效應(yīng)??偣彩褂昧怂姆NMR方法來評估暴露對癌癥的影響,即主要分析方法反方差加權(quán)(IVW)和其他三種附加分析(MR Egger、Weighted Median和Weighted mode方法)。對于IVW方法,在結(jié)果存在異質(zhì)性時我們使用隨機效應(yīng)模型,在結(jié)果無異質(zhì)性時使用固定效應(yīng)模型。IVW方法可以在沒有水平多效性(horizontal pleiotropy)的情況下實現(xiàn)無偏的因果估計。MR Egger方法允許在存在水平多效性的情況下進行估計,但容易受到工具變量的影響。此外,Weighted Median方法允許考慮每個工具變量的分布,從而減小由于某些工具變量引起的影響。Weighted Mode類似于Weighted Median,但通過考慮眾數(shù)而不是中位數(shù)來估計因果效應(yīng)。Plt;0.05為差異有統(tǒng)計學意義。
2" 結(jié)果
通過限制Plt;5×10-8獲得了與暴露具有相關(guān)性的SNPs,同時去除了SNPs間的連鎖不平衡(R2gt;0.001,10000bp)并計算F值來評價SNPs的統(tǒng)計效能(Fgt;10時,具有統(tǒng)計效能),共獲得了63個SNPs。通過分析這63個SNPs與結(jié)局的相關(guān)性,發(fā)現(xiàn)其中61個SNPs與結(jié)果無相關(guān)性(Pgt;5×10-5)。然后對數(shù)據(jù)進行了harmonise,消除了rs11986122。同時,通過使用PhenoScanner V2數(shù)據(jù)庫未查找到與已知混雜因素相關(guān)的SNPs。最終獲得了60個SNPs。以相同的方法對非油性魚類攝入進行了選擇,同樣獲取了11個SNPs。見表1。
當非油性魚類攝入為暴露時,IVW未發(fā)現(xiàn)與前列腺癌具有相關(guān)性(P=0.09,B=1.29),且使用MR Egger、Weighted Median和Weighted mode方法進行了進一步的分析,仍未發(fā)現(xiàn)明顯相關(guān)性。MR-Egger(Q=15.1,P=0.09)和IVW(Q=17.1,P=0.07)分析結(jié)果顯示沒有異質(zhì)性,IVW采用固定效應(yīng)模型。根據(jù)MR-PRESSO(Pgt;0.05)和MR-Egger(intercept=-0.045,P=0.712)檢測,未檢測到水平多效性。見圖2。
3" 討論
4" 參考文獻
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