摘 要:紗線條干均勻度是評估紗線質(zhì)量和質(zhì)地的重要指標,對紡織品質(zhì)量、性能以及加工工藝有著重要影響,因此準確快速地測定條干均勻度在紡織工業(yè)中具有重要意義。通過回顧國內(nèi)外相關(guān)文獻,綜合討論了電容式、光電式和圖像處理3種條干均勻度檢測技術(shù),并對各自的研究進展進行了詳細闡述。重點討論了條干均勻度檢測技術(shù)的準確度、評價指標和技術(shù)要領(lǐng)等,分析了影響條干均勻度檢測技術(shù)發(fā)展的相關(guān)因素,并從理論依據(jù)、研究方法和應用評價等角度討論了條干均勻度檢測技術(shù)目前存在的問題,為紡織工業(yè)中的條干均勻度檢測提供一定參考,從而促進紡織行業(yè)的工業(yè)生產(chǎn)和技術(shù)進步。
1 基本概念
1.1 紗線的基本特征
1.2 條干均勻度主要評價指標
變異系數(shù)、不勻率、毛羽系數(shù)這3項是條干均勻度評價過程中的主要指標[3]。其中,變異系數(shù)(Coefficient of variation, CV)是對被測紗線提供綜合性評定數(shù)值的指標,CV值越小,說明紗線越均勻,紗線就越好。CVm代表CV值的抑制數(shù)據(jù),是將不勻的紗線片段過濾掉之后剩下部分的CV值,數(shù)值越小,表明條干越均勻。
2 電容式條干均勻度檢測技術(shù)
在電容式檢測中,數(shù)據(jù)的精確度會影響到檢測結(jié)果。使用電容傳感器和信號處理技術(shù)結(jié)合的紗線直徑測量方案對檢測精度有一定的提升,但應用范圍有限,用這種方法評估紗線質(zhì)量(大于6 tex)至少在4 mm范圍內(nèi)時的檢測結(jié)果才可靠[4]。而使用寬度低于8 mm的電容式傳感器,可以準確評估1 mm范圍內(nèi)的紗線質(zhì)量,但在檢測8 mm的紗線樣品時,準確度不如傳統(tǒng)設備,CV值可能為負[5]。針對這一問題,Carvalho等[6]對1 mm范圍內(nèi)的紗線直徑測量方法進行改進,設計了一種基于電容傳感器的實時條干均勻度測量程序,該程序能夠直接測量1 mm范圍內(nèi)的紗線直徑,并且可在一定條件下進行實時檢測。Pinto等[7]使用平行電容傳感器,結(jié)合用于檢測周期誤差的信號處理技術(shù),設計了測量1 mm范圍內(nèi)紗線條干均勻度的量程系統(tǒng),該系統(tǒng)減小了測量誤差,實現(xiàn)了紗線的微小變化檢測,且能夠在測量過程完成實時控制,在檢測的精確度和準確度上均有較明顯的提升。
電容式檢測系統(tǒng)包含數(shù)據(jù)采集和處理兩個過程,即采集紗線數(shù)據(jù)并進行分析和計算。Monteiro等[8]提出了一種基于脈沖頻率測定算法,主要用于具有較短占空比的長周期信號,但受內(nèi)存要求和處理時間的制約,所提出的方法在面對大量樣本時很難實現(xiàn),如果可以應用類似快速傅里葉變換(Fast fourier transform, FFT)的方法,與純數(shù)學方法結(jié)合,檢測性能會得到更進一步的提升。另兩種基于窄帶的FFT模型聚合諧波和基于沃爾什-哈達瑪變換(Walsh-hadamard transform, WHT)的方法,能夠分析被測樣品的數(shù)據(jù)信號波長,從而檢測出常見的紗線瑕疵,兩種方法各有特點,F(xiàn)FT分析方便,但需要大量數(shù)學處理;WHT計算量小,卻需要對所有獲取的樣本進行頻譜分析,這使得分析難度較大[9]。
由于現(xiàn)有紗線瑕疵檢測方法特征提取困難和特征提取準確率低,孫通等[12]提出了一種基于時頻特征學習的分布式紗疵檢測方法,在識別精度上比傳統(tǒng)方法高10%左右,平均檢測耗時僅為傳統(tǒng)方法的1/5。楊蕓等[13]在電容式檢測技術(shù)的基礎上,提出一種基于異構(gòu)集成學習的紗疵定量分析方法,該方法比其他單模型回歸擬合方法的檢測準確率提升約10%。Wang等[14]開發(fā)了半監(jiān)督序列高斯混合自動編碼器模型,并結(jié)合Seq2Seq模型來預測和分類CV值,不同的是,該模型一定程度上實現(xiàn)了條干均勻度的在線檢測,其檢測速度達到了6000 m/min,而檢測的準確度也在85%以上。
3 光電式條干均勻度檢測技術(shù)
Qin等[19]結(jié)合現(xiàn)代控制理論和紡織技術(shù)原理,采用雙電荷耦合器件(Charge Coupled Device, CCD)并行排列方案,設計了一套控制系統(tǒng),對測量數(shù)據(jù)進行實時采集和處理。在此基礎上,Qin[22]對原有系統(tǒng)進行升級,使用2.5×105像素的CCD,可以更輕松地獲得紗線的條干均勻度。然而,該系統(tǒng)忽略了現(xiàn)場環(huán)境的細節(jié)影響,并且沒有解決CCD采樣頻率較低的限制。為了解決上述問題,Li等[23]采用了雙軸向正交CCD傳感器的設計思想,在室溫為(20±2) ℃,濕度為(65±2)%的環(huán)境條件下搭建了一套條干均勻度檢測系統(tǒng),并與Uster Tester 5進行了對比驗證,實驗結(jié)果顯示,該系統(tǒng)的采樣頻率是Uster Tester 5的4倍,檢測結(jié)果與Uster Tester 5具有較高的一致性,特別是在檢測具有近似橢圓形不規(guī)則截面的紗線時,該系統(tǒng)的測量結(jié)果更為準確。
4 圖像處理條干均勻度檢測技術(shù)
目前,已有多種基于圖像處理技術(shù)的方法來檢測和評估不同的紗線瑕疵,如Guo等[33]借助計算機視覺的方法測量紗線毛羽,Sule[34]使用傅立葉光學方法獲取紗線背光非相干照明的特征參數(shù),Wang等[35]通過分析黑板上紗線外觀預測紗線的毛羽系數(shù)等。而Li等[2]提出了一種新方法,定義了直徑圖像處理單元(Diameter image processing unit, DIPU),通過調(diào)整DIPU的參數(shù)應對不同的紗線特征,從而更加靈活地實現(xiàn)紗線評價。Wu等[36]設計并實現(xiàn)了基于圖像處理的紗線毛羽儀,以滿足毛羽定位的需要,與Uster Zweigle HL400毛羽度測試儀相比,紗線在400 m/min檢測速度條件下,毛羽儀所測得的毛羽系數(shù)相對偏差率僅為6.2%,并且該設計的測試數(shù)據(jù)離散程度小,檢驗重復性好,穩(wěn)定性優(yōu)秀。Khaddam等[37]提出了一種基于數(shù)字圖像處理和神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡的新方法,用于確定棉紗直徑,與使用經(jīng)驗公式計算的結(jié)果相比,誤差更小。Abdelkader[38]提出了一種簡便的基于圖像處理算法的方法,可測量紗線直徑和單個纖維直徑,適用于顯微數(shù)字圖像。Haleem等[39]開發(fā)了一種在線紗線條干均勻度測試系統(tǒng),采用Viola-Jones目標檢測算法實時檢測棉結(jié),該方法的棉結(jié)檢測成功率達92%。Chen等[40]使用圖像處理來進行斷紗檢測,處理一張圖片的時間約為1 ms,遠小于標準的10 ms。而Idzik等[41]則利用過濾、自適應閾值和形態(tài)轉(zhuǎn)化等技術(shù),檢測800 tex及以下紗線的斷裂情況,從而保證紗線的生產(chǎn)質(zhì)量。
針對已采集圖像的處理也是檢測步驟的關(guān)鍵一環(huán)。自適應中值濾波去噪算法[42]、亞像素邊緣檢測算法[1]、改進的Canny邊緣檢測算法[43]等在這一過程中有較為突出的性能表現(xiàn)。而Zhang等[44]則是從不同角度出發(fā),提出一種基于主成分分析(Principal component analysis, PCA)和自動相關(guān)確定(Automatic relevance determination, ARD)的貝葉斯算法P-ARD,以克服工廠數(shù)據(jù)樣本少、參數(shù)多、參數(shù)間共線性強等問題,實驗結(jié)果表明,P-ARD比傳統(tǒng)的基于ARD的貝葉斯方法具有更好的預測能力。除此以外,結(jié)合神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡的圖像處理方式也開始逐漸得到了應用,包括基于深度學習的知識增強輪廓檢測方法[45]以及基于廣義回歸神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡的預測方法[46]。其中,基于廣義回歸神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡的研究有較為明顯的進展。Jiang等[47]提出了一種基于寬度學習的多層神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡,稱為廣多層神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡。Zhang等[48]提出一種基于廣義回歸神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡和傳統(tǒng)神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡模型的紗線不均勻性預測方法,設計了包含三層神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡、四層神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡、五層神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡和廣義回歸神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡的紗線條干均勻度檢測模型。對比結(jié)果顯示廣義回歸神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡的平均相對誤差降低了0.57%,運行速度提高了74.70%,綜合性能優(yōu)于最好的四層神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡。
為了得到更為優(yōu)質(zhì)的紗線,Liyakat等[52]提出從紗線中精確地檢測更多的除長度和直徑以外的紗線數(shù)據(jù),例如紗線的規(guī)律性、毛羽、顏色變化、污染物等,這利于制造各種不同特性的變體紗線,這為檢測工作提供了一個新的研究思路。Ma等[53]設計了三維紗線條干均勻度檢測方法,測量結(jié)果與Uster Tester 5對比,CV值的相關(guān)系數(shù)達到了94.4%,直徑的相關(guān)系數(shù)為75.9%,并且由于3D檢測的特點,該方法可以反映紗線的結(jié)構(gòu)特征,能夠從不同角度去獲得更多的紗線細節(jié)。而Pereira等[3]提出了集成計算機視覺系統(tǒng)的機電原型,該模型能夠?qū)崟r分析和分類紗線毛羽等參數(shù),確定紗線質(zhì)量分析固有的其他特征,如線直徑、捻度、平均質(zhì)量偏差、變異系數(shù)、毛羽系數(shù)等,并執(zhí)行光譜分析,與Uster Tester 3的條干均勻度檢測對比結(jié)果表明,該模型在測量CV值時存在9%左右的誤差。Caldas等[54]提出了一種自動放卷和絡筒系統(tǒng),該系統(tǒng)不僅體積小、重量輕,而且能夠檢測紗線的多種數(shù)據(jù),包括紗線捻度以及相對紗芯的毛羽位置,但在檢測紗線變異系數(shù)方面,該系統(tǒng)的檢測精度與Uster條干儀相比,仍具有6%左右的誤差率。
5 技術(shù)對比
近幾年最新的檢測技術(shù)誤差對比如表2所示。從表2可以看出,圖像處理檢測設計的檢測誤差小于電容式檢測和光電式檢測,這表明圖像處理在條干均勻度檢測的準確性方面具有明顯優(yōu)勢。電容式檢測的兩項設計誤差相對較高,但檢測速度有明顯優(yōu)勢,特別是設計2實現(xiàn)了在線檢測,檢測速度高達6000 m/min。光電式檢測的誤差大小居于二者之間,略小于圖像處理的檢測誤差,但檢測方式為動態(tài)采集數(shù)據(jù),這區(qū)別于圖像處理的靜態(tài)獲取圖像方式,具有實時檢測的優(yōu)勢。
6 結(jié)論與展望
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Research progress on detection of yarn evenness
GENG" Cong1a,2 ," WANG" Chengqun1a,2," XU" Weiqiang1,2
(1a.College of Information Science and Engineering; 1b.College of Textile Science and Engineering,
Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China; 2.Key Laboratory of Intelligent Textile
and Flexible Interconnection of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 310018, China)
The evenness of yarn is an important parameter for evaluating the quality and texture of yarn. Therefore, the accurate and rapid measurement of yarn evenness occupies a very important position in the entire textile industry. Currently, there are three main techniques used for measuring yarn evenness: capacitive detection, optical detection, and image processing detection. This article describes the basic characteristics of yarn, introduces the evaluation indicators for measuring yarn evenness, and provides a comprehensive overview of the design principles and basic structures of these three different techniques for measuring yarn evenness. Additionally, the article summarizes the research directions of each technique, presents and analyzes the research achievements of these three techniques in different areas, and summarizes their advantages, limitations, and applicable scenarios. Furthermore, considering the current development of yarn evenness measurement techniques, the article explores the future prospects and directions for the development of these three techniques.
The progress of the textile industry is driving the upgrade and iteration of yarn evenness detection technology. Traditional methods for evenness detection are no longer able to meet the high-precision and high-speed requirements in industrial applications. Among the three main technologies, capacitive detection is the most widely used and applied in mainstream evenness detection instruments. Capacitive detection primarily utilizes air capacitance as a sensing component to obtain the evenness index of the yarn relatively easily. However, this method can introduce errors due to variations in moisture content and blending ratio of the yarn. With the advancement of high-precision optical sensors, optical detection has gained wider application. Optical detection involves projecting a light beam onto the surface of the yarn and using optical sensors to collect corresponding data for analysis, thereby obtaining the evenness of the yarn. This method is susceptible to errors caused by factors such as hairiness and tension. On the other hand, the method based on digital image processing utilizes computers and high-resolution image sensors to perform detection using machine vision. It can provide relatively accurate measurements of yarn evenness and detect yarn defects that may not be easily identified by the previous two methods. However, challenges such as slow detection speed and high system architecture costs currently limit its ability to accurately measure the evenness of high-speed moving yarn.
The textile industry plays a crucial role in the national economy. As a pillar industry supporting economic and social development, it not only serves as the foundation industry for meeting people's living needs and improving their quality of life but also represents an advantageous industry for international cooperation and integration. In this context, the rapid and accurate assessment of yarn evenness has significant implications for the healthy development of the textile industry. This article analyzes three widely used techniques for measuring yarn evenness: capacitive detection, optical detection, and image processing detection. It summarizes their respective technical characteristics and makes comparisons among them. Each technique has its unique advantages and limitations. Future research should focus on further optimizing these techniques, starting from practical needs, to improve detection speed, precision, accuracy, and stability. It should also address the upcoming technical challenges to achieve more accurate, efficient, and automated measurement of yarn evenness. In addition, it is worth considering the integration of different techniques to form a diversified system for measuring yarn evenness, catering to the needs of different stages in textile production. For example, by leveraging industrial Internet of Things (IoT) technology, an open digital infrastructure can be designed to collect the maximum value from data gathered throughout the production process through machine networking and integration of information flow from the workshop to the cloud. Ultimately, the development and application of these technologies will contribute to improving the quality and efficiency of textile production, driving the overall development of the textile sector.
yarn evenness; capacitive detection; optical detection; image processing detection; yarn evenness evaluation