Contents & Abstracts
The Subject of Marxism and Its Understanding in Contemporary China
お玏ei Dingguang
Abstract: The scientific nature and contemporary value of Marxism are mainly decided by the understanding of its subject. The core of the whole theory of Marx and Engels is to seek people's liberation. Accordingly,the creation and development of Marxism include two levels: construction of social ideal and study on achievement of such ideal. The paper argues that the socialism with Chinese characteristic is not only displaying its trend back to the subject of Marxism——“people's liberation” in theory,but also taking reforms and opening-up as its effective way. The essential value of reforms and opening-up lies in making people obtain the second liberation. To promote the achievement of the human's liberal development effectively is also the basic nature of reforms and opening-up.
Keywords: Marxism; Subject; Peoples liberation; Socialism with Chinese characteristic; Reforms and opening-up
On Construction Logic of the Core Value System of Contemporary China: an Analysis based on Historical Experiences
お玏ang Lisheng Nie Jiahua
Abstract: By using knowledge and experience in the development of core value system of contemporary China to analyze the construction of such system,It is found that its construction should be based on highly developed productivity,and we should take the cultural consciousness as the premise. Furthermore,its construction should absorb and conduct traditional value system,especially the available resource and function of Confucianism; keep the unity between nationality and universality,autonomy and openness; enrich,develop and improve itself through communication and interaction with other value systems to strengthen the activity and attraction of socialist core value system.
Keywords: Contemporary China; Core value system; Construction logic; Historical experience
Changes and Reform Strategies of Urban System after 1949
お獵hen Shengyong Yang Fuyuan
Abstract: After 1949,under the dominant regional administrative system,Chinas urban system is characterized by its defects of “overly-administrative-orientation”. The problems of excessive administrative levels (including the provincial,sub-provincial,prefecture-level,county level and township level,etc.),regionalization of city-type administrative area,and lack of sound cross-cooperation mechanism among city governments,etc.,seriously restrict the economic and social development and the promotion of the urbanization process. In order to meet the internal needs of Chinese cities participation in global competition and the regional social and economic development,the strict control at administrative levels and the traditional “rule” model of power manipulation should be reformed,while a new macro-urban-administrative-system with governance model of inter-city relationship should be established.
Keywords: Urban system; Overly-administrative-orientation; Regionalization of city-type administrative area; Governance model of inter-city relationship; Reform strategies
The Comparative Study of Traditional and Subprime Mortgage Related Derivative: Brief Analysis of the Causes of the Present Financial Tsunami by Subprime Lending Crisisお玓hang Jinqing Lu Ye
Abstract:By considering the present disastrous financial tsunami,this paper has listed a series of financial derivative disasters in history,and then gives a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the generation and risk effect mechanism of subprime mortgage related derivatives as well as the causes of this financial storm triggered by subprime lending crisis. On this basis,this paper explores both the common and distinct characteristics between the traditional and subprime mortgage related derivatives. Furthermore,it concludes that although it is possible for these two kinds of derivatives to trigger financial disasters,their distinct characteristics determine the radically different results they would bring about. According to all these arguments and conclusion,this paper also puts forward some countermeasures and proposals based on the real conditions of China.
Keywords:Traditional derivatives; Subprime mortgage related derivatives; Subprime lending crisis; Causes of the financial tsunami
Evaluation and Enhancement of Shanghai Securities Industry Core Competencies
お玓hang Zongxin WangXiao
Abstract: The cultivation of the capital market is crucially important in the process of constructing Shanghai as an international financial center. In order to promote Shanghai securities industry,this paper evaluates the core competencies of Shanghai securities industry and seeks policy path to enhance the competitiveness of Shanghai securities industry. The paper establishes an evaluation index system for securities industry competitiveness in international financial centers. By choosing the world's major financial centers as the test sample,it gets the securities industry competitiveness of all the cities ranked by utilizing factor analysis and then assaing main factors that influence the competitiveness of Shanghai securities industry by adopting the cluster analysis. The paper puts forward policy suggestions to strengthen guidance service of the government,to build up the centre of Asia-Pacific capital markets,to expand the depth and breadth of the securities market,and to improve the ecological environment of the securities industry.
Keywords: Securities industry; Core competencies; Factor analysis; Cluster analysis
On the Insureds Security Fund System
お獿i Chaofeng
Abstract: The article makes an analysis on the insureds security fund system in details and explains its necessity and importance. By analyzing about the advantage and shortcoming of the system,the article comprehensively discusses on its security field,function,the source and management of the fund.
Keywords: The insureds security fund system; Security; Compensation; Management of the fund
The Two-Child & Late Childbearing Policy: an Effective Way to Resolve the Serious Problem of High Sex Ratio at Birth in China
お玓eng Yi
Abstract: Analysis presented in this article demonstrates that soft-landing to the two-child with late-childbearing policy would overcome the two drawbacks of the current Chinese fertility policy which allows only those couples whose first child is a girl to have a second birth (i.e. the one-and-half-child policy) in most of the rural areas: (1) The one-and-half-child policy encourages son-preference by implicitly telling peasants that a sons value is twice of that of a daughter; (2) it structurally results in more boys than girls among the second births even if assuming the percent of prenatal sex determination and aborting the second female fetus is exactly the same under the one-and-half-child policy and two-child policy. Furthermore,the two-sex family household projection presented in this article numerically shows that even assuming the same sex ratio at birth in the future under the current-policy-unchanged and the two-child policy scenarios,the marriage squeeze problems in the scenario of keeping the current fertility policy unchanged will be much more serious than that in the two-child policy scenario. The essay concludes that soft-landing to the two-child with late-childbearing policy is one of the effective ways for resolving the serious problems of high sex ratio at birth in China.
Keywords: Two-child & late childbearing; Fertility policy; Birth spacing; Sex ratio at birth; Marriage squeeze
On Theory and Empirical Study of Network Family: an Analysis based on North Villages
お玏ang Yuesheng
Abstract: As the network family is the collection of some paternity consanguinity families,network family analysis is an important perspective of study on family relation and situation. The formal principle of network family include: (1) lineal unit family is core,and collateral unit family is supplement; (2) father-son,brother unit family is core. The formation of network family is resulted from differentiation of core family. The investigation of three counties in Heibei shows that more than 80% elder people over 60 years old live with children in the unit of network family. About 70% net work family consists of more than 3 unit families and over 90% unit families live at the same village. Such phenomenon means that there is a high differentiation in rural families; however,it shows that the first generation of elder people in network family has good care. As more and more rural adult leave to cities,the number of network family will reduced. Therefore,the rural endowment protection system,insurance system and related security systems should be strengthened and completed.
Keywords: Network family; Paternity family; Unit family; Core-branch family
Marriage Ritual:An Analytical framework of Multidisciplinary
Abstract: Marriage rituals are very complicated and the study needs to build a multi-disciplinary analytical framework. In fact,it has been an analytical framework of multidisciplinary just from the research on Marriage rituals in diverse disciplinary,but there still exist too many troubles. The consciousness and identification of questions and the dual-path of macro-and micro-level analysis on marriage rituals are not only basis of,but also the keys of multi-disciplinary analytical framework.
Keywords: Marriage Ritual、Multidisciplinary、Analytical Framework
The Mode of Multi-agent and Polycentric Governance Development
お玏ei Bo
Abstract: Governance and development interact with each other and form the main trend of modern social movements. In recent years,a kind of new mode named multi-agent and polycentric governance-development comes into force. This mode emphasizes the importance of the publics role and overcomes the limits of single-agent; on the other hand,it also paves the way for citizens participation through breaking the mono-centric power structure. To put this new idea into practice widely,it is also necessary to promote the reform of corresponding institutions.
Keywords: Governance; Development; Multi-agent; Polycentric
Social Capital: a New Perspective of Construction of Socialist Harmonious Society
お玈u Lingyin
Abstract: Social capital concept produces a new sociology perspective for the construction of harmonious society. The social capital cultivation can promote citizens tolerant and the compromised spirit; develop citizens system identity; strengthen citizen's quality of cooperation participation. At present,there are seldom social capital of standard,network and trust in our society,which is restricting society's benign and coordinated development. Actually it greatly influences the construction of harmonious society. Therefore,the cultivation of social capital should become an important perspective for the construction of socialism harmonious society as well as an important way to achieve it.
Keywords: Social capital; Harmonious society; Standard; Network; Trust
Exploration on Judging-mode of Criminal Law Causality
お玀ao Lingling
Abstract:The controversy between the inevitability and chanciness of criminal law causality has not made guiding function in the judicial practice because it is unable to support a clear judging mode. The essay makes a discussion about all kinds of theories of criminal law causality and analyzes their reference and limitation to judgment of criminal law causality. It proposes that by defining the reasonable function of criminal law causality,defining its study object,confirming its legal attribute,endowing judges with discretionary power,a new judging-mode for criminal law causality may be built.
Keywords: Criminal causality; Judging mode
The Study on Legal Responsibility of Credit Rating Agency
お玁i Shoubin Shi Danting
Abstract:The current financial crisis puts credit rating agencies in the spotlight again after the Enron scandal. The credit rating agencies could be liable to the contracted party and the public investors for their negligent misrepresentation and misstatements. But in history,the court seldom held the credit rating agencies liable for the protection of commercial speech. As the financial crisis spreads,the credit-rating agencies,once a relatively anonymous group,have come under increasing scrutiny for their role in the crisis. With the development of financial reform and opening-up,the demands for credit rating in China will attract more credit rating agencies both at home and aboard. During the process,how could the aggrieved party resort to remedies under the current legal mechanism in China? The essay suggests referring to the liability for contract breaching and false statement.
Keywords: Credit rating agency; Legal responsibility; Liability
On the Modernity Dimension of Ethos of Science
お獼ia Xiangtong Li Jianshan
Abstract:The ethos of science is a very important issue in the study of scientific philosophy. The emergence and development of science is the logic result of modernity. Therefore,the characteristic of ethos of science is produced by modern subjective rationality which is embodied as mathematics,empiricism and utilitarianism. The ethos of science in modernity logic not only promotes modern sciences development,but also decides a series of paradox of science in modern society.
Keywords: Ethos of science; Modernity; Method of experiment; Mechanical realism
From “Vision”to “Visualization”: Rethinking of Visual Culture
お玓eng Jun
Abstract: In the study of visual culture,some problems are still obstacle and the most important one is that what is vision? “Visualization”has formed a comprehensive problem pedigree,it“makes the invisible to be visible”,and then forms“image-oriented”,therefore distinguishes the new characteristic of “virtuality”. Finally it makes logic of visualization penetrate into those invisible which may make us rethink the cultural logic of visial culture.
Keywords: Vision; Visuality; Visualization; Visual culture
Originate Image: How Metaphysics Could Be?
お獺u Weixi
Abstract: The image thinking is a universal method for metaphysics study. A generalized image thinking consist the image thinking to noumenon and the one from noumenon. The former is represented by western philosophy whose psychological mechanism lies in that human has “know intuition”; the latter is represented by Chinese philosophy whose psychological mechanism lies in that human has “wisdom intuition”. The article argues that after the long separation between thinking to noumenon and thinking from noumenon,their reconciliation should be built again to construct a metaphysics thinking mode beyond these two.
Keywords: Image thinking; To noumenon; From noumenon; Construction of image; Metaphysics attitude
The Collective Memories about Era of Coupons
お獼in Dalu
Abstract:Some media,such as newspaper,TV and web,identify that the pork supply required coupons during the Cultural Revolution period in Shanghai. Actually,in twelve years and two and a half months (from 1st June,1964 to 15th July,1976),the pork supply was carried out unrestrictedly in Shanghai. It ascribed to several factors: the persistent and mighty plan of “the whole country guaranteeing Shanghai” was the fundamental base; the standing and balanced policy of pig selling in suburb was the important guarantee; the developing measure of supporting swine industry was a good help. All in all,the powerful operation of planed economy sustained a steady supply and demand platform. As for the distortion and mistake of collective memories,they were originated from the hypothesis of historical facts and the choice of value judgment when the memories were constructed as a presence from folktale to public forum.
Keywords: Cultural Revolution period; Pork supply; Coupon; Collective memories
On the Social Status of Doctors of Western Medicine in Modern Shanghai
お獺e Xiaolian
Abstract: In the development of doctors professionalized process in modern China,Shanghai held a unique status for it was the city with the largest population of doctors of western medicine. As a kind of liberal profession group,compared with ordinary labor class or doctors of Chinese medicine,those doctors of western medicine had higher cultural accomplishment and income. They were rich and held high social reputation.
Keywords: Group of doctors of western medicine; Liberal profession; Income; Social reputation
On Development of Foreign Language Training Classes in Shanghai in the Late Qing Dynasty
お獿i Yiting
Abstract: After 1843,as one of the trading port,Shanghai became the front of crash and interaction of Chinese and western culture. Gradually the commercial value of English emerged and was paid more and more attention to. The building of concession made communication between China and western world inevitably; while the uprising of small sword society and movement of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom made shanghai be an immigrant society. Those who can speak and/or write English were quite welcome by foreign banks. Under such backgrounds,every kinds of English training classes emerged. From the first one in 1862,there were totally more than 200 training institutions of foreign language in the city during the Late Qing dynasty. The paper makes a discussion on some reasons of development of those training classes.
Keywords: Shanghai in the Late Qing; Foreign language training class; Commercial society; Immigrant society; Social mentality
On Prison Service People and Prison Reform at the End of Qing Dynasty
お玀a Ziyi Wang Changfen
Abstract: In Chinese traditional views,“prison” is just an institution of detaining criminals and waiting for trial. Though in Qing dynasty,prison management system had been relatively perfect,with complete detaining system and bureaucracy system,the governance thought was still the same old one which held the principle of heavy punishment. Prisons officers and guards held very lower status who were regarded as humble service. With the prison reform at the end of Qing,traditional prison system gradually changed and the most significance were education and cultivation of management staff of prisons. Those excellent were paid allowance and promoted their grade. But with the restraint of traditional thought,the principle actors of prison reform were still those old people. A good reform didnt achieve its goal.
Keywords: Prison reform; Thought of Humble prison; New reform without new people
On Renaissance of Humanity: One of Prefaces of 獵hinese New Literature(1977-2000)?Literary Theory
お玏ang Jin Chen Sihe
Abstract:In the development of contemporary literary theory in the recent 30 years,literary theory, directly inheriting the new literary tradition of May 4th,has been the theoretic basis. It experiences disintegration of relation between literature and politics,and the huge impact of cultural tide in context of globalization. There appears a clue of pursuit of humanity which may represent the characteristic of Chinese modern intellectuals. It is especially showed by debates on humanitarianism and related theories in 1980s. The exploration of this theoretic clue may indicate the humanity condition of literary theory construction and its possible future in contemporary China.
Keywords:Humanitarianism; “Human” study; Humanistic spirit
Humanistic Ecology: the Creation Mode and Aesthetic Dimension of Literature Folklore
お玓hao Deli
Abstract: Folklore is a life culture that people create,enjoy and inherit in their living. Folklore of original ecology with its naive and active form,bears peoples pursuit for truth and good. The creative transformation of folklore by artists makes literature folklore be the theme of the greatest nationality,cultural and historical characteristics. Description and integration of folklore by artists even indicate feeling of humanistic ecology. The creative transformation of folklore may re-arise our choice for truth and good,and obtain an aesthetic enjoy.
Keywords: Folklore culture; Literary folklore; Humanistic ecology; Aesthetic principle
A Travel Narrative of Magic Romanticism: on Artistically Original Creation of 獼ourney to the West
お玏ang Xiangfeng
Abstract: By using methods of mythology and social history analysis,the paper makes a study of the travel mode,myth thinking,image creation and aesthetic characteristics of 獼ourney to the West. It puts forward a problem never discussed before——the theme of “ travel narrative of magic romanticism”. In the novels travel narrative,the pursuit of people pushes forward the story,while demons obstruction is the centre of narrative. The novel created by myth thinking usually embodies deformation thinking,assumed causality,imaginative construction of supreme power and realized ideal. In a word,such novel is a fable of the reality.
Keywords:獼ourney to the west; Magic romanticism; Travel narrative; Myth thinking
The Complex of the Prosperous Tang and 玹he Song of Everlasting Regret s Topic Turn from Irony to Love
お玏u Zenghui
Abstract: After Anshi chaos,the Tang Dynasty declined soon which led to a kind of nostalgic and then a complex of the prosperous Tang before. By the effect of this complex,in the middle Tang Dynasty,the literatis visual angle to Li Rongji and Yang Yuhuans story changed gradually from criticism to sympathy,from politics to aesthetics. This psychology influenced Bai Juyis poem deeply,and made the topic of 玹he Song of Everlasting Regret change to love unconsciously,finally promoted the aesthetic comprehension of the love story to the acme,which was obviously the effect of complex of the prosperous Tang. Through analyzing the change of the social psychology fore and aft the Anshi chaos,this article indicates Bai Juyis psychology trend. And through deep explanation of the text,the paper tries to produce a more reasonable explanation for the formation of the poems topic.
Keywords: Complex of the prosperous Tang; Li Rongji and Yang Yuhuans love; Anshi chaos