關(guān)鍵詞 碳生產(chǎn)率;技術(shù)進步;技術(shù)效率;要素替代
中圖分類號 F062.9 文獻標(biāo)識碼 A 文章編號 1002-2104(2014)10-0041-07 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-2104.2014.10.007
直接研究碳生產(chǎn)率演變規(guī)律的文獻并不多見,概括地看,可以將其分成以下三類:①考察碳生產(chǎn)率的變化趨勢。如潘家華、張麗峰[2]和張成[1]等使用收斂、Tapio脫鉤和追趕脫鉤指數(shù)方法研究了碳生產(chǎn)率的區(qū)域差距及動態(tài)演變軌跡。類似的研究只是從宏觀層面對碳生產(chǎn)率的變動趨勢進行了把握,未能對這些變動趨勢進行進一步分解;②通過數(shù)理方法對碳生產(chǎn)率變動做因素分解。如張永軍[3]使用拉氏分解法將碳生產(chǎn)率變動分解成技術(shù)進步、產(chǎn)業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)變動和消費結(jié)構(gòu)變動三因素,而Meng M & Niu D[4]則使用對數(shù)平均迪氏指數(shù)法將碳生產(chǎn)率分解成各個產(chǎn)業(yè)的技術(shù)創(chuàng)新效應(yīng)和產(chǎn)業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)調(diào)整效應(yīng)。拉氏和迪氏分解法可以對碳生產(chǎn)率的變動進行初步解釋,但忽略了全要素生產(chǎn)效率、投入要素之間的替代效應(yīng)和隨機因素的影響;③全要素碳生產(chǎn)率研究。通過數(shù)據(jù)包絡(luò)(DEA)和隨機前沿(SFA)方法,將CO2等污染物作為投入或壞產(chǎn)出引入全要素分析框架研究了全要素碳生產(chǎn)率的相關(guān)問題[5-8],但全要素框架下的碳效率與國際公約及我國政府報告中的單要素減排責(zé)任安排難以有效對接,從而在實踐中引致諸多不便[9]。
和0.049 9降低至0.046 1和0.047 2,這種普遍的逐年降低現(xiàn)象,實際上也從另一個層面支撐了絕對β收斂現(xiàn)象的存在性。
正如Kander & Schn[15]指出的那樣,資本與能源之間的替代會體現(xiàn)產(chǎn)業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)的變化,不同的產(chǎn)業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)變化會對碳生產(chǎn)率帶來不同的影響,相對而言,某地區(qū)的資本能源比越低,說明該地區(qū)越傾向于能源密集型產(chǎn)業(yè),不可避免地會消耗更多的能源、排放更多的CO2??傮w而言,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)資本能源替代效應(yīng)對碳生產(chǎn)率引致了正向提升作用,這也和原始數(shù)據(jù)中資本能源比總體逐步提升的事實吻合。資本能源替代效應(yīng)在全國整體會對碳生產(chǎn)率帶來0.027 8的正向促進作用,且中部的促進作用最大,高達0.036 6,西部次之(0.026 1),東部反居末位(0.023 0),說明中部在資本密集型產(chǎn)業(yè)的推進速度上遠高于其他地區(qū)。進一步地考察各地區(qū)資本能源替代效應(yīng)在樣本年間的逐年變化,發(fā)現(xiàn)東部和西部除2003年呈現(xiàn)負向抑制作用(分別為-0.009和-0.023 3)以外均呈現(xiàn)了正向促進作用,且分別在1998和1999年的促進作用最為明顯,中部則全部呈現(xiàn)正向促進作用,峰值位于2009年的0.065 4。總體而言,東中西部的資本能源替代效應(yīng)在2002至2005年及2011年,普遍呈現(xiàn)了低位徘徊的格局。
勞動能源替代效應(yīng)的作用機理和資本能源替代效應(yīng)類似,亦可以通過產(chǎn)業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)由能源密集型產(chǎn)業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)型至勞動密集型產(chǎn)業(yè)來提升碳生產(chǎn)率水平,但現(xiàn)實中的產(chǎn)業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)總體未呈現(xiàn)這一趨勢,從而導(dǎo)致勞動能源替代效應(yīng)對碳生產(chǎn)率總體導(dǎo)致負向影響,在全國和東中西部分別取值-0.032 7,-0.031 0,-0.025 9和-0.040 0。雖然總體為負向影響,但東中西部均在個別年份呈現(xiàn)了正向影響,這和它們在這些年份的勞動能源比有所提高完全吻合。進一步考察東中西部勞動能源替代效應(yīng)的逐年演化軌跡,發(fā)現(xiàn)東部在年份間的波動相對較小,谷峰和谷底分別為2008年的0.001 1和2003年的-0.062 2,中部分別位于1997年的0.016 6和2005年的-0.069 2,西部則為1999年的0.009 5和2003年的-0.098 4。若結(jié)合資本能源替代效應(yīng),發(fā)現(xiàn)樣本期間資本能源替代效應(yīng)和勞動能源替代效應(yīng)的波動幅度最為明顯,且兩者具備兩個典型的特征:一是在影響力度上,兩者呈現(xiàn)了此消彼長的角力格局,即資本能源替代的正向效應(yīng)越大,勞動能源替代的負向效應(yīng)越小,若資本能源替代的正向效應(yīng)越小,勞動能源替代的負向效應(yīng)越大;二是在影響力度的變化方向上,兩者趨于一致,即資本能源替代效應(yīng)若趨于增強,則勞動能源替代效應(yīng)亦趨于改良(即勞動能源替代的負向效應(yīng)趨于減少)。這兩個特征說明:勞動密集型產(chǎn)業(yè)相對于資本密集型產(chǎn)業(yè)和能源密集型產(chǎn)業(yè)會使用更少的能源,因此,負向的勞動能源替代效應(yīng)告訴我們勞動密集型產(chǎn)業(yè)在逐步被資本密集型產(chǎn)業(yè)和能源密集型產(chǎn)業(yè)替代,而正向的資本能源替代效應(yīng)則進一步展示了資本密集型產(chǎn)業(yè)對能源密集型產(chǎn)業(yè)的替代趨勢。
全國規(guī)模效率的變化對碳生產(chǎn)率增長率的影響在樣本年間的均值為0.000 8,說明呈現(xiàn)了微弱的正向促進作用。在東中西分組考察中,東部和西部的均值分別為0.001 3和0.001 5,而中部的取值則為-0.000 6,意味著中部普遍存在著規(guī)模不經(jīng)濟現(xiàn)象。深入到東部內(nèi)部,發(fā)現(xiàn)北京、上海、廣東、天津和遼寧亦總體存在規(guī)模不經(jīng)濟現(xiàn)象,而其余6個省份特別是海南則呈現(xiàn)了一定規(guī)模經(jīng)濟現(xiàn)象。西部內(nèi)部,除甘肅外均整體處于規(guī)模經(jīng)濟階段,而中部內(nèi)部除安徽外整體處于規(guī)模不經(jīng)濟階段。
能源結(jié)構(gòu)效應(yīng)的變化展示了能源消費的偏好變化對碳生產(chǎn)率增長率的影響,相對而言,天然氣和汽油的生產(chǎn)效率最高,每萬億J熱值的CO2排放量分別僅為55.612 t和67.914 t,而煤炭和焦炭的生產(chǎn)效率則最低,對應(yīng)取值分別高達92.325 t和100.072 t。因此,各省份在消費能源時,低碳能源比例趨于升高能夠促進碳生產(chǎn)率增長率的提升。其中,東部除河北和山東外普遍獲得了正向的能源結(jié)構(gòu)效應(yīng),總體均值為0.002 1,西部除云南、寧夏和新疆外普遍取得能源結(jié)構(gòu)優(yōu)化,在總體呈現(xiàn)了0.001 3的正向促進作用,而中部雖僅有黑龍江為負影響,但其余省份的能源結(jié)構(gòu)優(yōu)化趨勢并不明顯,總體效果僅為0.000 5。
至于隨機偏差效應(yīng)對碳生產(chǎn)率增長率的總體影響相對最小,僅為-0.000 2,東中西則分別為-0.001 0、0.001 2和-0.000 5。說明運氣等隨機因素對碳生產(chǎn)率增長率的影響極為有限,但亦有例外,在陜西和湖南等省份的總體影響甚至超過了能源結(jié)構(gòu)效應(yīng)。因此,通過考慮隨機偏差效應(yīng)的影響,能夠更為準(zhǔn)確地對碳生產(chǎn)率增長率進行因素分解。
4 結(jié)論與政策建議
(編輯:常 勇)
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Decomposition on the Fluctuation of Chinas Regional Carbon Productivity Growth
ZHANG Cheng1,2 WANG Jianke1 SHI Wenyue3 LI Yuan1
(1.School of Economics, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing Jiangsu 210023, China;
2.Institute of Industrial Economics of CASS, Beijing 100836, China;
3.School of Public Economics & Administration, Shanghai University of Finance & Economics, Shanghai 200433, China)
Abstract Taking statistics of Chinas provinces during 1995-2011 as samples, this paper disintegrates carbon productivity growth rate into seven factors. This paper mainly discusses the substitution effects between capital, labor and energy, not only considering the impact of changes in the energy structure, also making full use of the information under the framework of total factor productivity, and the results turn out to be as follows: ① The growth rate of carbon productivity is determined by variables as technological progress (positive effect), substitution effect between capital and energy (positive effect), and substitution effect between labor and energy (negative effect), and the effects of technical efficiency (negative effect), random difference (negative effect), scale efficiency (positive effect) and energy structure (positive effect) are limited. ② The fluctuation ranges of substitution effect between capital and energy and substitution effect between labor and energy are biggest than other variables in the sample period, and there are trading off between them in the angle of impact strength, however, the changing direction of impact effect of both are the same. ③ Theres the coexisting phenomenon of regional negative correlation and year positive correlation between technological progress and technological efficiencys effects to growth rate of carbon productivity, which means a quick technology progress would keep company with a worsen technical efficiency from the angle of provinces, and the falling rate of technological progress always keeps company with falling rate of technical efficiency.
Key words carbon productivity growth; technological progress; technical efficiency; substitution effect
Abstract Taking statistics of Chinas provinces during 1995-2011 as samples, this paper disintegrates carbon productivity growth rate into seven factors. This paper mainly discusses the substitution effects between capital, labor and energy, not only considering the impact of changes in the energy structure, also making full use of the information under the framework of total factor productivity, and the results turn out to be as follows: ① The growth rate of carbon productivity is determined by variables as technological progress (positive effect), substitution effect between capital and energy (positive effect), and substitution effect between labor and energy (negative effect), and the effects of technical efficiency (negative effect), random difference (negative effect), scale efficiency (positive effect) and energy structure (positive effect) are limited. ② The fluctuation ranges of substitution effect between capital and energy and substitution effect between labor and energy are biggest than other variables in the sample period, and there are trading off between them in the angle of impact strength, however, the changing direction of impact effect of both are the same. ③ Theres the coexisting phenomenon of regional negative correlation and year positive correlation between technological progress and technological efficiencys effects to growth rate of carbon productivity, which means a quick technology progress would keep company with a worsen technical efficiency from the angle of provinces, and the falling rate of technological progress always keeps company with falling rate of technical efficiency.
Key words carbon productivity growth; technological progress; technical efficiency; substitution effect
Abstract Taking statistics of Chinas provinces during 1995-2011 as samples, this paper disintegrates carbon productivity growth rate into seven factors. This paper mainly discusses the substitution effects between capital, labor and energy, not only considering the impact of changes in the energy structure, also making full use of the information under the framework of total factor productivity, and the results turn out to be as follows: ① The growth rate of carbon productivity is determined by variables as technological progress (positive effect), substitution effect between capital and energy (positive effect), and substitution effect between labor and energy (negative effect), and the effects of technical efficiency (negative effect), random difference (negative effect), scale efficiency (positive effect) and energy structure (positive effect) are limited. ② The fluctuation ranges of substitution effect between capital and energy and substitution effect between labor and energy are biggest than other variables in the sample period, and there are trading off between them in the angle of impact strength, however, the changing direction of impact effect of both are the same. ③ Theres the coexisting phenomenon of regional negative correlation and year positive correlation between technological progress and technological efficiencys effects to growth rate of carbon productivity, which means a quick technology progress would keep company with a worsen technical efficiency from the angle of provinces, and the falling rate of technological progress always keeps company with falling rate of technical efficiency.
Key words carbon productivity growth; technological progress; technical efficiency; substitution effect