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李濟:《創(chuàng)辦史語所與支持安陽考古工作的貢獻》,載臺灣 《傳記文學(xué)》1976年第28卷第1期,第50~78頁。
《泰國選委會公布大選計票結(jié)果》,新華網(wǎng),2007 年 12 月 24 日。 http://news.xinhuanet.com
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Kenneth N.Waltz, Theory of International Politics, (McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1979), p.81.
Hans J.Morgenthau, Politics among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace, (Alfred A.Knopf Inc., 1985) pp.389-392.
Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye, Power and Interdependence: World Politics in Transition,(Little Brown Company, 1977) pp.45-46.
Ole R.Holsti, “The ‘Operational Code’ as an approach to the analysis of belief systems”, final report to the National Science Foundation, 1977, grant No.SCO 75 14368.
David Baldwin, ed., Neorealism and Neoliberalism: The Contemporary Debate, (Columbia University Press, 1993) p.106.
Klause Knorr and James N.Rosenau, eds., Contending Approachesto International Politics, (Princeton University Press, 1969) pp.225-227.
Homer, The Odyssey, trans.Robert Fagles, Viking, 1996, p.22.
Robert Levaold, “Soviet Learning in the1980s”, in George W.Breslauer and Philip E.Tetlock, eds.,Learning in USand Soviet Foreign Policy, (Westview Press, 1991), p.27.
Stephen Van Evera, “Primed for Peace: Europeafter the Cold War”, International Security, Vol.15,No.3, 1990/1991, p.23.
Nayan Chanda, “Fear of Dragon”, Far Eastern Economics Review, April 13,1995,pp.24-28.
Rick Atkinson and Gary Lee, “Soviet Army Coming apart at the Seams”, Washington Post, November 18, 1990.
Central Intelligence Agency, Directorate of Intelligence, Handbook of Economic Statistics, US Government Printing Office, 1988, p.74.
“Memorandum from the President’s Special Assistant(Rostow) to President Johnson”, November 30,1966, FRUS, 1964-68, Vol.II, Vietnam 1966, document No.319.
Albina Tretyakava, “Fuel and Energy in the CIS”, paper delivered to Ecology ’90 conference,sponsored by the America Enterprise Institutefor Public Policy Research,Airlie House,Virginia,April 19-22, 1990.
Steven Flank, Reconstructing Rockets: The Politics of Developing Military Technologies in Brazil,Indian and Israel, Ph.D.dissertation, MIT, 1993.
Astrid Forland, “Norway's Nuclear Odyssey”, The Nonproliferation Review, Vol.4, Winter 1997.http: //cns.miis.edu /npr/forland.htm
F.G.Bailey, ed., Giftsand Poisons: The Politicsof Reputation,? Basil Blackwell, 1971, p.4, quote from Paul Ian Midford,Making the Best of a Bad Reputation:Japaneseand Russian Grand Strategiesin East Asia, Dissertation, UMI, No.9998195, 2001, p.14.
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