汪誠 張如鴻 張群 許志成 許楓 李大濤 李意源 李天雅
汪誠 張如鴻 張群 許志成 許楓 李大濤 李意源 李天雅
1.1 一般資料
1.2 手術方法
患者氣管插管全身麻醉。耳后取皮區(qū)局麻藥腫脹注射,以22號刀片取刃厚皮片,沿外耳輪手術切口標記線切開,確保不損傷皮下筋膜層,向耳側分離耳支架,保留耳支架下附著筋膜淺層,以提供軟骨支架血供。分離范圍以使再造耳達到健側相同的顱耳角的角度為參考。以醫(yī)用樹脂和羥基磷灰石復合人工骨材料支架為顱耳角的支撐材料,0.2 mm鋼絲將骨水泥支架底板固定于耳后筋膜上,調整支架位置以便再造耳的位置、角度、軸向,盡可能接近健側。
沿切口向枕側分離皮膚與耳后筋膜,保留頭皮下脂肪層以確保不損傷毛囊而引起脫發(fā)。分離范圍:外耳輪最高點向上方1.5 cm左右,最低點約低于耳垂下極1 cm,枕側距外耳輪切口緣約3 cm。在保證耳后筋膜足夠包裹支架時離斷筋膜,翻轉向耳側剝離。6-0可吸收線將耳后筋膜縫合于外耳輪邊緣。
將耳后皮瓣適當向前推進,從而減少植皮區(qū)域,并以5-0的PDS線固定于耳后筋膜深層。將刃厚皮片覆蓋筋膜表面,3-0編織線間斷固定,植皮區(qū)與耳后取皮區(qū)均油砂覆蓋,氯霉素紗布加壓包扎。術后10 d拆除敷料及縫線。
本組161例患者,術后隨訪6~18個月,平均12個月。術后152例患者耳后筋膜及植皮均完全成活;9例患者顱耳溝下段局部皮片(面積<1.5 cm2)色澤變深或出現(xiàn)表皮壞死,但筋膜血運基本正常,無支架外漏,經(jīng)換藥處理后愈合,術后1個月復查,壞死表皮均脫落后愈合。151患者顱耳角形態(tài)可,植皮區(qū)瘢痕平整,患者對顱耳角形態(tài)滿意;10例患者耳后瘢痕攣縮嚴重,與健側顱耳角的角度差別較大(圖1、2)。
圖1 典型病例:患者,男,10歲,先天性小耳畸形Fig.1 Typical case:an 10-year-old boy presented w ith lobule-typem icrotia
圖2 典型病例:患者,男,13歲,先天性小耳畸形Fig.2 Typical case:an 13-year-old boy presented w ith concha-typem icrotia
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Application of M odified Ear Elevation in Ear Reconstruction
WANG Cheng,ZHANG Ruhong,ZHANG Qun,XU Zhicheng,XU Feng,LI Datao,LI Yiyuan,LI Tianya.Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,Shanghai Nine People's Hospital,Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine,Shanghai200011,China.Corresponding author:ZHANG Ruhong(E-mail:zrhm@msn.com).
Objective To investigate the application and effects of the modified ear elevation in ear reconstruction. M ethods From Sep.2012 to Jun.2014,161 cases with congenitalmicrotia were received ear reconstruction.Themodified elevation in second stage was performed 6 months after first-stage operation for auriculocephalic angle reconstruction.EH composite wedge was transplanted at the rear side of framework,then the homolateral postauricular fascial flap was used to cover the postauriclar-frame,finally split-skin graft were transplanted on the fascia surface.Results All patients were followed up for 6-18months(mean 12 months).In 151 patients,reconstructed auriculocephalic angle was close to the normal side.In other 10 patients,severe scar contracture was observed.Darker epidermis or partial grafted skin necrosis(<1 cm2) were observed in 9 cases,and were healed by dressing.Conclusion Modified ear elevation in second stage can achieve satisfactory structure of auriculocephalic angle.
Congenitalmicrotia;Ear elevation;Postauricular fascial flap;Auriculocephalic angle