苗淑彥, 韓冬冬, 聶 琴, 苗惠君, 張文兵**, 麥康森
(1.中國海洋大學水產動物營養(yǎng)與飼料農業(yè)部重點實驗室,海水養(yǎng)殖教育部重點實驗室,山東 青島 266003;
2.揚州大學動物科學與技術學院,江蘇 揚州 225009)
苗淑彥1,2, 韓冬冬1, 聶琴1, 苗惠君1, 張文兵1**, 麥康森1
(1.中國海洋大學水產動物營養(yǎng)與飼料農業(yè)部重點實驗室,海水養(yǎng)殖教育部重點實驗室,山東 青島 266003;
2.揚州大學動物科學與技術學院,江蘇 揚州 225009)
摘要:為研究飼料中糊精替代魚油對大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximus)幼魚代謝及免疫反應的影響,在飼料中蛋白質含量為45%的基礎上,配制4組等氮等能的飼料(D1、D2、D3和D4),飼料中可溶性糖含量分別為1.93%、5.80%、15.98%和28.27%,脂肪含量分別為16.48%、12.82%、10.78%和6.64%,其中糊精為糖源,魚油和大豆卵磷脂為脂肪源。在室內流水系統中養(yǎng)殖大菱鲆幼魚((8.32 ± 0.06)g),檢測大菱鲆幼魚的血液和肝臟中糖、脂肪和蛋白質代謝及抗氧化指標,試驗周期為9周。研究表明:隨著飼料中糊精替代魚油水平的升高,大菱鲆的血糖含量、血漿胰島素含量、血漿谷草轉氨酶(AST)和谷丙轉氨酶(ALT)活性(P<0.05)顯著升高。其中,D4組AST活性顯著高于其余3組(P<0.05),D1組ALT活性顯著高于其余3組(P<0.05)。飼料中糊精替代魚油水平的升高對血漿中總氨基酸、總膽固醇(CL)和甘油三酯(TGs)的含量無顯著影響(P>0.05)。隨著飼料中糊精含量的不斷上升,血漿中溶菌酶、過氧化氫酶(CAT)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性和總抗氧化能力(T-AOC)呈下降趨勢。肝臟中堿性磷酸酶(AKP)和CAT活性以及T-AOC也有一定程度下降(P<0.05),但肝臟溶菌酶活性顯著上升(P<0.05)。當飼料可溶性糖含量為15.98%時,肝臟SOD活性最高(P<0.05)。結果表明:飼料中,糊精替代魚油既影響大菱鲆幼魚的糖和脂類代謝,又影響其免疫力。在實際生產中,除了關注飼料中糖對魚體生長的影響,還應關注糖對魚體代謝及免疫的影響。
關鍵詞:大菱鲆; 糖; 糊精; 魚油; 代謝; 免疫
引用格式:苗淑彥,韓冬冬,聶琴,等. 飼料中糊精替代魚油對大菱鲆幼魚代謝及免疫反應的影響[J].中國海洋大學學報(自然科學版), 2016, 46(4): 21-27.
MIAO Shu-Yan, Han Dong-Dong, NIE Qin, et al. Influence of replacement of dietary fish oil by dextrin on metabolism and immune response of juvenile turbot (Scophthalmusmaximus) [J].Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2016, 46(4): 21-27.
1.1 實驗飼料配方和制作
表1 試驗飼料配方及常規(guī)營養(yǎng)組成(干物質)
注:①維生素混合物(mg/kg 飼料):維生素A,32mg;維生素D,5mg;維生素E,240mg;維生素K,10mg;維生素B1,25mg;維生素B2,45mg;煙酸, 200mg;維生素B6,20mg;生物素,60mg;肌醇,800mg;泛酸鈣,60mg; 葉酸,20mg;維生素B12,10mg;維生素C,2000mg;微晶纖維素,4292.54mg。②礦物質預混物(mg/kg 飼料):五水硫酸銅,10mg;亞硒酸鈉,20mg;一水硫酸錳,45mg;六水氯化鈷(1%),50mg;一水硫酸鋅,50mg;碘酸鈣(1%),60mg;一水硫酸亞鐵,80mg;七水硫酸鎂,1200mg;沸石粉,18485mg。③誘食劑:?;撬帷酶拾彼帷锰鸩藟A=1∶3∶3。
Notes: ①Vitamin premix (mg/kg diet): Vitamin A, 32mg; Vitamin D, 5mg; Vitamin E, 240mg; Vitamin K, 10mg; Vitamin B1, 25mg; Vitamin B2, 45mg; Nicotinic acid, 200mg; Vitamin B6, 20mg; Biotin, 60mg; Inositol, 800mg; Calcium pantothenate, 60mg; Folic acid, 20mg; Vitamin B12, 10mg; Vitamin C, 2000mg; Microcrystalline cellulose, 4292.54mg;②Mineral premix (mg/kg diet): CuSO4·5H2O, 10mg; Na2SeO3, 20mg; MnSO4·H2O, 45mg; CoCl2·6H2O (1%), 50mg; ZnSO4·H2O, 50mg; Ca(IO3)2(1%), 60mg; FeSO4·H2O, 80mg; MgSO4·7H2O, 1200mg; Zeolite powder, 18485mg;③Attractants: taurine∶glycine∶betaine=1∶3∶3.
1.2 試驗用魚及養(yǎng)殖管理
1.3 樣品收集及指標測定
養(yǎng)殖實驗結束后,大菱鲆禁食24h取樣。為減少取樣操作對魚體產生的應激,所有的實驗魚于取樣前麻醉(MS 222,100mg/kg)。隨機取10尾魚,用肝素鈉取血器于尾靜脈取血,血液先于離心機2000r/min離心10min,分離血漿后立刻置于液氮中保存以測定血液學及免疫學指標。其次,取5尾魚的肝臟迅速置于液氮保存用于分析肝臟免疫學指標。
血漿總氨基酸含量參照Moore的茚三酮方法[15]進行測定。血糖采用葡萄糖氧化法進行測定(Sigma kit No. 510,Sigma Chemicals,St. Louis,MO)。血漿胰島素的測定參照Plisetskaya等的方法[16]。血漿總膽固醇和甘油三酯的測定參照Trinder的方法[17]。血漿谷草轉氨酶(AST)和谷丙轉氨酶(ALT)活性用全自動生化分析儀測定(Hitachi 7020, Tokyo, Japan)。
1.4 統計分析
采用EXCEL 2003和SPSS 13.0軟件進行統計分析,數據采用平均值±標準誤(Means ± S.E.)的形式表示,顯著水平為P<0.05。當差異顯著時采用Duncan’s多重比較分析組間的差異顯著程度。
2.1 血液生理生化指標
表2 飼料中不同含量糊精替代魚油對大菱鲆幼魚血液學指標的影響
Note:Values (mean ±S.E. of three replicates) in the same column not sharing a common superscript are significantly different (P<0.05).
①Diets;②Totalα-amino acids;③Glucose;④Insulin;⑤Total cholesterol;⑥Triacylglycerols;⑦Glutamic oxalacetic transaminase;⑧Glutamic-pyruvic transaminase
2.2 免疫學指標
表3 飼料中不同含量糊精替代魚油對大菱鲆幼魚血漿及肝臟中免疫學指標的影響/U·mg-1
Notes: Values (mean ±S.E. of three replicates) in the same column not sharing a common superscript are significantly different (P<0.05).
①Diets;②Alkaline phosphatase;③Lysozyme;④Catalase;⑤Superoxide dismutase;⑥Total antioxidant capacity
3.1 糊精替代魚油對大菱鲆血液學指標的影響
3.2 糊精替代魚油對大菱鲆免疫學指標的影響
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Influence of Replacement of Dietary Fish Oil by Dextrin on Metabolism and Immune Response of Juvenile Turbot (Scophthalmusmaximus)
MIAO Shu-Yan1, 2, HAN Dong-Dong1, NIE Qin1, MIAO Hui-Jun1, ZHANG Wen-Bing1, MAI Kang-Sen1
(1.The Key Laboratory of Aquaculture Nutrition and Feeds of Ministry of Agriculture, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China; 2. College of Animal Science and Technology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China)
Abstract:A 9-week feeding trial was conducted to determine the influence of replacement of dietary fish oil by dextrin on the haematological and immunological parameters of juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) (initial body weight: (8.32 ± 0.06)g). Each of the four isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets (D1, D2 through D4) containing graded levels of soluble carbohydrates (1.93%, 5.80%, 15.98% and 28.27%) and lipids (16.48%, 12.82%, 10.78% and 6.64%) was fed to turbot to apparent satiation in a flow-through water system. Results showed that dietary carbohydrate content significantly increased the plasma glucose and insulin concentration in turbot (P<0.05). The activity of glutamic oxalacetic transaminase (AST) in serum of fish fed diet D4 was significantly higher than that of other three groups (P<0.05). Meanwhile, the activity of glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (ALT) in serum of fish fed diet D1 was significantly higher than that in other three groups (P<0.05). However, dietary carbohydrate content did not significantly affect plasma total amino acids, total cholesterol (CL) and triglycerides (TGs) concentrations (P>0.05). With the increasing dietary carbohydrate contents, the activity of lysozyme, catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC) in plasma significantly decreased (P<0.05). The same thing was true in the activity of alkaline phosphatase (AKP), CAT and T-AOC in liver (P<0.05), but not lysozyme (P<0.05). The results of the haematological parameters suggested that the replacement of dietary fish oil by dextrin did not influence the protein metabolism of turbot. Glucose induced insulin secretion in the pancreas was much lower than that of amino acids and fatty acids. Meanwhile, the activities of ALT and AST in serum significantly increased in D4 treatment. It was suggested that high dietary carbohydrate content would have certain damage to the liver of turbot. This effect did not occurred in the study of blunt-snout bream. In regard to the immunological parameters, high dietary dextrin content significantly decreased the activity of lysozyme, CAT, SOD and the T-AOC in plasma. It was suggested that high dietary dextrin content stressed the metabolism of turbot. It would weaken its ability to scavenge free radicals. This may further affect the health of turbot.With the isonitrogenous and isoenergetic design, the results of present study indicated that different dietary dextrin contents not only affected the glucose and lipid metabolisms, but also the immunity of turbot.
Key words:turbot; carbohydrate; dextrin; fish oil; metabolism; immune
DOI:10.16441/j.cnki.hdxb. 20150101
作者簡介:苗淑彥(1978-),女,博士生。研究方向:水生動物營養(yǎng)與飼料學**通訊作者: E-mail:wzhang@ouc.edu.cn
Supported by the National Basic Research Program (2014CB138600)