文/桑國亞 (天普大學(xué)法學(xué)院) 譯/楊天一
文/桑國亞 (天普大學(xué)法學(xué)院) 譯/楊天一
本刊邀請在華的外國朋友回顧他們在中國過去五年的工作與生活,分享他們的工作進(jìn)展和他們關(guān)注的中國現(xiàn)象。本期特刊登美國天普大學(xué)法學(xué)院教授,“清華—天普法學(xué)碩士項目”美方主任桑國亞(John Smagula)的文章。
中美兩國的茶文化差異很大。中國生產(chǎn)的茶中70%以上都是綠茶,然而在美國消費綠茶的比例只有不到20%。大部分美國人只喝紅茶、袋裝茶或者冰茶,且大多數(shù)茶都是從印度、斯里蘭卡和肯尼亞進(jìn)口的。當(dāng)然,這些滋味濃的茶與中國云南和福建生產(chǎn)的精致、芳香的I used to drink coffee. Lots of it. From college to Wall Street to teaching law, coffee was the fuel that kept me going. I wasn’t different from those around me, as most Americans drink coffee every day.I never thought much about tea. When I was growing up,my father brewed Lipton tea every morning, as he preferred tea to coffee. My mother had tea later in the day, but it never substituted morning coffee. We didn’t drink tea plain, and we always added milk, sugar, lemon, or honey.Chinese tea culture is very different from U.S. tea culture.Over 70% of tea produced in China is green tea, although less than 20% of tea consumed in the United States is green. Most Americans drink black tea, bagged or iced, and the strong tea blends we drink are imported from India, Sri Lanka, and Kenya.紅茶是無法相提并論的。
These earthy black teas are quite different from the delicate,fragrant black teas from Fujian and Yunnan.
As a child, I didn’t know there were different kinds of teas. I never brewed tea unless I was sick, as I somehow believed it had healing properties. Occasionally, I’d order iced tea with meals or get a bottle at the convenience store. In any event, tea was always an afterthought for me. It was one of many available beverage options.
Then I started coming to China. I was a student at Nanjing University in 1991, and I later started traveling to China on a regular basis in 2000 for work. I now am the Director/Associate Professor for Temple University’s China Rule of Law Program.Since 2012, I have been based in Beijing, directing Temple University law school’s Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree program in collaboration with Tsinghua University. My appreciation of tea grew as I spent more time here.
first impression
On my earlier trips to China, I was still a coffee drinker. I drank instant coffee, as coffee shops weren’t as plentiful then as they are now. I didn’t really like instant coffee, which I never drank in the United States. I remember once getting ready to go backpacking in a remote area of China, and I brought my own instant coffee with me, fearing that I’d find no coffee outside of the large cities.
Over time, I learned more about how tea forms a part of daily life. I had visited a family in Fujian who brewed Iron Goddess(Tie Guan Yin) after dinner at their home that evening,something they did every day as a matter of course. I had visited a tea house in Guangzhou where the server performed the Gongfu tea ceremony using a large assortment of tea ware.When visiting with friends in Chengdu, we would meet at tea houses and brew Zhu Ye Qing (known figuratively in English as green bamboo leaf tea), watching the leaves float vertically in the glasses, something I had always found very mysterious.
These experiences came together and formed a great curiosity within me, gradually raising my awareness of tea culture. With all this tea around me, why was I still drinking coffee? I decided to experiment more myself.
I stepped into a tea shop in Beijing, and I was instantly overwhelmed with the options. I looked at the canisters with names I didn’t understand, like “Yinzhen” (Silver Needle) and“Maojian” (Green Tip). The seller asked me many questions,one after the other in quick succession, “Green? Oolong? Floral?Dark?” I was overwhelmed.
I opted for the more familiar-sounding Longjing (Dragon Well)tea, and then the vendor asked, “Which grade?” I just chose the least expensive one, not knowing that there were different grades of each tea. I also bought some dried lemons to brew with it, not knowing any better.除此之外我也不知道有什么更好的方法。
To brew the tea, I simply put a scoop of tea leaves into a coffee mug and poured hot water over them. Eventually, the leaves dropped to the bottom of the cup, and I kept adding hot water until the tea lost its flavor.
Despite this tentative beginning, I thought I should learn more.In 2009, I took a trip to Xihu (West Lake) in Hangzhou and spent a day with a family of tea farmers there. The tea master explained tea processing to me, using terms I had never heard,like “shaqing” (kill the green) and “huigan” (come back sweet).I was instantly intrigued, as the visit to a tea farm opened my mind to a whole new world of Chinese culture and society. The more I learned, the more I wanted to learn.
tea training and research
I then went for formal tea training, first in the United States,and then in China. I became a certified tea specialist with the U.S. Specialty Tea Institute in 2010, and then in China through the Oriental Arts Tea School in 2013. The instruction was intense, and the exams difficult, but well worth the effort. In studying law, book knowledge forms the basics, but experiential education creates a legal practitioner. With tea, book knowledge sets the foundation, but developing an acute sensory perception through practice is crucial for a tea master.
As part of my tea study, I have visited tea fields and spent time with tea farmers throughout the country, including Wuyishan and Anxi in Fujian; Qimen and Taiping in Huangshan, Anhui;Wuxi in Jiangsu, Changyang and Wufeng counties in Yichang,Hubei, and Emeishan in Sichuan. I have become friends with some of the Yichang farmers, having visited them during the tea growing season, but also during Chinese New Year.
All this tea and travel had an impact on me. Once I discovered tea, I stopped drinking coffee. It wasn’t hard to make the switch, as it’s always easier to give something up when you have something better to switch to. Rather than pack coffee with me when I travel to remote parts of China, I now bring tea from remote parts of China back with me—both to Beijing and the United States—to make sure I have my own personal supply.Life sure has changed.
My study of tea began with learning that tea is produced from the same plant, the Camellia sinensis. White, green, yellow,oolong, black, and dark teas are all produced from the tea bush. The key difference lies in oxidation of the tea leaf during processing. For example, green tea is not oxidized, and black tea is more fully oxidized. Different processing methods, such as withering, rolling, and fermenting, also create different varieties of tea.
Tea shops became easier to understand once I learned how to classify tea. Bai Mudan (White Peony) is a white tea, and despite its name, does not have peonies in it. Longjing and Bi Luo Chun are both green teas, grown in different regions with different從茶樹中來。然而不同種類的茶葉之間最關(guān)鍵的不同之處實際上在于茶葉加工過程中的氧化程度不同:綠茶完全未氧化,但紅茶往往是充分氧化的。除此之外,如萎凋、揉捻和發(fā)酵等不同的加工技術(shù)和生產(chǎn)工序也會對茶葉的種類產(chǎn)生影響。
processing methods. Iron Goddess (Tie Guan Yin) and Big Red Robe (Da Hong Pao) are both oolong teas, as they are oxidized more than white and green teas, and they also need more complex processing.Beautiful Golden Eyebrows (Jin Jun Mei)and Lapsang Souchong (Zhengshan Xiaozhong) are both black teas, with one made from buds and the other from leaves, yet both are more oxidized than other teas.
Little by little, I started to make more sense about the names I saw at tea stores. For example, jasmine tea is not its own tea,but rather, green tea scented with jasmine flowers. Ginseng oolong is an oolong tea sprinkled with ginseng and licorice root. Chrysanthemum tea is not tea at all, but rather a tisane or herbal infusion. The varieties, flavors, and scent combinations are endless.
Grading tea is a complicated process. In class, we learned to score the dry leaf, color, aroma, liquor, and wet leaves. With Longjing, for example, if all the leaves are the same size and have a similar appearance, it will have a higher grade than a Longjing with leaves of different sizes, even though it may have a similar taste.
I also had to learn the different methods for brewing tea. Green tea is often best brewed in a tall glass. Oolongs can be brewed in a covered bowl (gaiwan). Pu’erh teas can be brewed in purple clay (zisha) pots. The use of spring water, distilled water, and tap water can affect the flavor of the infusion. Different water temperatures suit different teas, with white and green teas best infused at 80 degrees Celsius, and black teas brewed at 100 degrees.己的內(nèi)心,選擇他們所喜歡的。
my personal tea
Despite these classifications and rules, it’s important to consider each tea independently when brewing. For example, a green tea with a larger leaf many need a hotter brewing temperature, and an aged white tea may brew better in a clay pot. Drinking tea can be very subjective, and I always tell friends to buy teas they like and brew as they prefer.
For example, I prefer to drink black tea in the morning. I brew my Lapsang Souchong in a glass tea mug with a stainless-steel infuser. I like Lapsang because it has hints of honey and sweet potatoes. In the afternoon, I prefer green tea. I often brew Caihua Maojian from Hubei province, as it has chestnut taste to it, and I have always liked roasted chestnuts. On very cold days in the winter, I enjoy brewing Pu’erh, either cooked or raw, as the Pu’erh seems to warm me up, especially on a damp, cold day.
When entertaining guests with the Gongfu tea ceremony, I brew oolongs. We’ll start with Iron Goddess (Tie Guan Yin), with its characteristic orchid scent, and then switch to Big Red Robe (Da Hong Pao), with its rich aroma with hints of grilled peaches.These oolong teas unfold their leaves slowly and can withstand several infusions.
All this study about Chinese tea culture has enriched my life. I have explored tea fields, spent time with tea farmers, made many tea friends, and learned more about Chinese life and culture.Earlier this year, I wrote a story called “My Tea Journey,” which I set to a music video and recited at the Tsinghua law school annual student festival. The art of tea goes far beyond the leaf.
My passion for tea has also caused me to teach about it. I have spoken at Temple University and University of South Florida’s Confucius Institutes on tea, giving a presentation called, “Green or Black? Understanding Chinese Tea.” In these talks, I have shared with Americans the richness and diversity of Chinese tea, as well as history and health benefits.
I also teach a course on tea at the Oriental Arts Tea School in Beijing, where I share with students the difference between Chinese and Western tea customs, helping us understand each other better through tea.
Finally, I have created a WeChat Subscription Account, Lao Sang Shuo (WeChat ID: laosangshuo), where I blog about various aspects of tea culture. I learn something new about tea every day, and I enjoy sharing these findings with audiences in China and abroad. The more I learn, the more I know that I need to learn. Many readers of my blog share their thoughts with me, and this exchange has been very enriching.
Tea embodies many different aspects of Chinese culture, and it can be experienced on many different levels. I would never have guessed that my tea journey would have such an impact on me, and I hope my journey will inspire you, too, to explore the wonders of Chinese tea.
My Tea Journey
By John Smagula (Temple University School of Law)