1 Teaching content
Earth Shakes in Qongkurqak (Workbook: Page81 Reading) from Module3 Book3 of Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
2 Teaching objectives
2.1 Knowledge objectives
2.1.1 The students will know different words related to natural disasters, such as, drought, earthquake and so on.
2.1.2 The students will obtain different reading skills to analyze the passage.
2.1.3 The students will express ways to survive an earthquake and the measures can be adopted after an earthquake.
2.2 Ability objectives
2.2.1 The students will learn to make predictions according to the title and the photos included before reading passages.
2.2.2 The students will be able to analyze problems in a logical way while reading in details.
2.2.3 The students will be able to come up with as many solutions as possible in English in group discussion.
2.3 Moral objectives
2.3.1 The students will increase awareness of applying correct ways to protect themselves in an earthquake.
2.3.2 The students will know the importance of giving a helping hand to those who struggle in natural disasters.
3 Teaching key and difficult point
3.1 Teaching key
3.1.1 Strengthen students awareness of self-rescuing methods and ways to help others in and after an earthquake.
3.1.2 Direct students to develop English thinking while read and speak English.
3.2 Teaching point
Encourage students to express themselves in English bravely.
4 Teaching methods
Student-centered teaching method, Task-based learning, question-answer method and group discussion.
5 Teaching means
Multi-media including touchscreen projecting machine , EasiNote3, PowerPoint
6 Teaching procedure
6.1 Talk about students feelings while they are looking at the pictures of nature.
6.2 Name the disasters according to the pictures.(Matching games)
6.3 Invite the students to share their experiences of an earthquake in the past.
Predict what aspects will be included in the passage according to some clues (photos and the titles of the passage).
Task1: Skim the passage and find out the aspects that were talked about in the passage.
Task2: Scan para.1 and para.5 and find out the damages that were caused by the earthquake. (keywords)
Task3: Read para.1-3 and find out the reasons why “many people died while others survived”. (details)
*Watch a video—“How to survive an earthquake” and find out safe places mentioned.
*Activity—What furniture can be called the one that can create a triangle shelter?
Some students will come the computer and sort out the pictures of furniture that can be called the one that can create a triangle shelter. Then the teacher can make a conclusion about the features of furniture that can make a triangle of life.
Task4: Read para.4 and find out the measures taken by the government after the earthquake. (details)
Step4: Post-reading(Discussion)
Discuss in groups about what else we can do for the people who suffer from earthquakes.
Step5: Homework
Write a composition: What can we do to help people in need after an earthquake?