Xi Jinping’s Viewpoints about Ideological Work: New Positions, New Strategies, New Patterns
Zhang Jinsheng
Abstract:Social development always progresses during the interaction between social consciousness and social existence. Under the influence of many internal and external factors, the relationship between social consciousness and social existence is showing many new features, and which are transforming the necessary ideological foundation, value guidance and spiritual impetus for social development. Therefore, it’s necessary to understand the extreme importance of ideological work, to strengthen the main role of journalism and public opinion work in governing and keeping peace and stability of the country, and to meet the realistic requirements of journalism and public opinion work in accordance to the overall situation of Communist Party’s work. These works can effectively enhance Communist Party of China’s capability to lead its people to fulfill the “Five-in-One” and “Four Comprehensives” strategies, to achieve the “Two Century Goals” and the Chinese nation’s bright prospect on the road to revival.
Key words:ideology; public opinion; governance of country; peace and stability of country; discourse power
A Study on the Sources of Thought, the Logic of Reality and the Path of Implementing President Xi Jinping’s Views about Internet Public Opinion
Luo Xin
Abstract:President Xi Jinping’s views of Internet public opinion, featured with its clear line of logic and thought, highlighted foci, appropriate methodology, is a systematic theoretical framework. This framework originates from the Marxist approach to journalism and public opinions, the Theory of “United Front”, and the Theory of “Mass Line”. Thus, it’s the reflection of current ecological problems with the online public opinions on reality check. These practical problems include the issues such as the competition of the power of discourse among the subjects of public opinion, the conflict between the “red”, “grey” and “black” contents of the public opinions, the negative infection on emotions of public opinion, and the social mobilization on the platforms of public opinion. To solve these practical problems, this paper suggests that it’s necessary to practice President Xi Jinping’s views of Internet public opinion effectively through occupying the high ground of the Internet as the main battlefield of public opinion, strengthening the propaganda for positive contents on the Internet, and appropriately dealing with Internet users’ opinions and emotions, and adopting the right ways to monitor and control those possible social mobilization through the platform of new media.
Key words:Xi Jinping; Internet public opinion; source of thought; logic of reality; approaches to practice
20 Years of Return to Motherland: The Shift of Intergovernmental Relations between Guangdong and Hong Kong in a Changing World
Yang Aiping
Abstract:Since the reform and opening up carried out with the changes of internal and external environment, the intergovernmental relations between Guangdong and Hong Kong have been featured with qualities in different periods. Before the Sovereign return, the intergovernmental relations between Guangdong and Hong Kong reflect the inter-level relations between China and Britain. However, the intergovernmental relations between Guangdong and Hong Kong have evolved into local intergovernmental relations under “one country, two systems”, which represent the structural intergovernmental relations in the early era when Hong Kong returned to motherland. While a new type of functional intergovernmental relations has been shaped gradually with the change of hard power between the central government and Hong Kong, Guangdong and Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Hong Kong, especially the trend of regional integration is irresistible. In contrast to the asymmetric nature of structural intergovernmental relations, the functional intergovernmental relations are problem-oriented intergovernmental relations, which are new thinking and new paths in response to national development strategies and cross-border governance issues between Guangdong and Hong Kong.
Key words:Guangdong and Hong Kong; structural intergovernmental relations; asymmetric relations; functional intergovernmental relations; cross-border governance
On the Preservation of Historical Relics and Antiques in South China Sea
Hou Yi, Wu Hao
Abstract:Many Historical relics and antiques were left along with the time when Chinese people are endeavored to make exploitation of South China Sea islands. These historical relics and antiques were not only witnessing the experience of exploitation but also the historical moments of China’s enjoying the sovereignty over South China Sea. Therefore, the preservation of historical relics and antiques in South China Sea is focused on how to exploit and make use of the historical relics and to transform them into advantages of China’s political claims. We may face many challenges and difficulties of preservation of historical relics and works. We thus must make sure to make clear guidelines and scientific plan to enhance to management to push forward to the exploitation of South China Sea relics.
Key words:South China Sea; historical relics and antiques in South China Sea; antiques; exploitation and protection
Reconstruction of the Definition of “Investment” in BIT of China and Central Asian Countries
Zhang Guang
Abstract:It is an important measure to boost the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative through accelerating the process of investment facilitation, removing investment barriers and protecting the lawful rights and interests within Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT). Investment is defined as one of the essential terms in BIT. However, observed from the development of international investment treaties and Chinese BIT practice in recent years, the defining properties of the term “investment” seems to be lagging behind with the legislation system and the specific contents. This scenario is thus not able to meet the demands of protecting and promoting bilateral investment cooperation. Therefore, China, as a developing capital exporting country, should reconstruct the definition of investment in terms of three aspects such as its contents, structure and limitations.
Key words:the Belt and Road Initiative; BIT of China and central Asian countries; definition of investment
Towards Explaining “Rule Orientation”: A Case of the Dispute Settlement Mechanism of Regional Trade Agreement
Sun Zhiyu
Abstract:There has not reached a consensus about “Rule Orientation” among the scholarship, which has given rise to various mis-readings of this technical term in the field of regional trade dispute settlement. This paper suggests that it would be appropriate to define Rule Orientation as a brand-new theoretical paradigm to apply its original meaning by Mr. Jackson to the practice of regional trade dispute settlement. This paradigm entitles Rule Orientation with more interpretative powers and inclusiveness, which is expected to not also much better explain the assimilation and fragmentation of dispute settlement mechanism in RTA as better capture the trendy development of dispute settlement mechanism in RTA in a diverse way.
Key words:regional trade agreement; dispute settlement mechanism; rule orientation; power orientation; diversification; proposition
[責(zé)任編輯 叢 敏 責(zé)任校對(duì) 朱紅強(qiáng)]
English Abstracts
President Xi Jinping’s Thoughts about Journalism: A Significant Innovation in Contemporary Marxism of Journalism
Lin Rupeng, Zhi Tingrong
Driven by the new thoughts and practice of the governance of Chian, shaped by the new time, President Xi Jinping has made a theoretical innovation in the contemporary Maxist Views of Journalism and theorized them into many important journalistic thoughts about public opinions. This paper attempts to summarize and discuss the functions of President Xi Jinping’s journalistic discourse in the contemporary China. First, President Xi Jinping’s journalistic discourse are summarized into six aspects. They include, firstly, the thoughts of “Five Matters” concerning the importance of journalism and public opinions; secondly, the thoughts of “48-word Mission and Responsibility” concerning the working status of journalism; third, the thought of “Four clarifications” concerning building up China into a culturally strong country; fourth, the discourse of “convergence and development” between traditional media and emerging new media; fifth, the thought of “Nine innovations” in relation to journalism and propaganda; finally, the thoughts of “Four Roles” to position journalistic prationers. The paper suggests that Xi Jinping’s thoughts about journalism makes an original contribution to the theoretical system of journalism with Chinese characteristics, which is of significant theoretical and practical values.
marxist views of journalism; governance of country; missions and responsibilities; convergence and development