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2024-06-01 00:00:00
歐亞人文研究 2024年2期

Russia’s perception of the international order since the end of the Cold War:the evolution process and logic

Wuhan University Ruan Jianping He Shiyu

Abstract: Russia’s perception of the international order since the end of the Cold War has gone through a tortuouscourse of development: In the early and middle 1990s, Russia entirely accepted and tried its best to integrate into theWestern-dominated liberal international order; from the middle and late 1990s to 2007, Russia began to question andreflect on the institutional standards and geographical arrangements of the Western liberal international order, butit still hoped to be accepted; from 2008 to date, Russia gradually abandoned its illusions about the Western liberalinternational order and began to push back against its geopolitical arrangements. The outbreak of the Ukraine crisisin 2022 signaled Russia’s counterattack against the Western order, whilst it introduced and advanced the vision ofa multipolar world order. Russia’s cognition of the international order is a product of the continuous adjustmentbetween its self-perception and its perception of the outside world, and is subject to the combined effect of manyfactors, including Russia’s great power dream, its historical and cultural traditions, the attitude of the West toward it,and the objective situation of world politics.

Keywords: Russia; liberal international order; multipolar world order; cognition; evolutionary logic

Main paths and existing problems in combating poverty in Russia

National University of Defense Technology Yuan Wei

Abstract: The Russian government has been grappling with poverty, which is a crucial social issue for a long time.This paper analyzes Russia’s poverty measurement standards and diachronically reviews Russia’s poverty alleviationcampaign, dividing it into three periods: declining period, recurring period, and new period. Moreover, the paperevaluates the effects of the campaign and examines main problems faced by the campaign, including poverty ofthe working population, population in unstable employment, families with children, the disabled, and the elderly.On this basis, the paper carries out a research into the main poverty alleviation initiatives in Russia and providesfeasible recommendations. This study is of practical significance for not only analyzing and understanding the socialcondition in Russia, but also developing cooperation between countries.Keywords: Russia; poverty alleviation; social security

Construction of Arctic “heterotopia”: prospects in developing tourist space of theRussian Arctic

Beijing Foreign Studies University Wu Haotian

Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Luo Ying

Abstract: In the context of Sino-Russian joint construction of the Ice Silk Road, regional economic cooperationbetween two countries is increasingly deepened. Based on the practical significance of the “heterotopia” theory forthe development of tourist space, this article seeks to re-examine the heterogeneity of the Arctic Zone of the RussianFederation (AZRF), and explore the strategies for constructing its tourist space. Meanwhile, China’s Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is actively engaging with the global market and seeking opportunities toparticipate in the exploration and development of the Arctic. This area has made preliminary contacts with theAZRF and some cooperation in the field of tourism has already been established between them. Given the uniqueadvantages of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the demand for the development of theAZRF, further cooperation between the two regions has a plausible foundation and will provide new impetus to thedevelopment of Arctic tourism.

Keywords: heterotopia; Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation; Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area; tourist space; Sino-Russian cooperation

Religious revival in Central Asia: lost and found or conceptual presupposition?

Renmin University of China Pu Xiaoping

Abstract: As an important theme of the post-Soviet space transformation, the evolution of Islam in Central Asia isfrequently referred to as a “renaissance”. However, in regard to the establishment of a nation-state, the connotationof Islam in Central Asia has changed significantly. At the national level, Islam is viewed as a public value tostrengthen national autonomy and centralization of power. At the societal level, Islam has become an instrumentin anti-colonialist narratives, with its spiritual core being replaced by a carrier of national cultures in the classicalage. Moreover, Islam has been skillfully employed at the regional level as a flexible option for balancing regionalstrategies in order to counterweight geopolitical competition among large countries. By nature, the “rise” of Islamin Central Asia is imported rather than native tradition, individual spiritual belief rather than collective ideology,national culture rather than universal religion, and a state-led movement rather than a global Islamic movement.From a conceptualization perspective, the construction of the narrative around the “Islamic Renaissance in CentralAsia” is an intellectual output of geopolitical rivalry and cultural hegemony among the major powers in the postcolonialage. We may have a better understanding of Central Asian societies, avoid the security anxiety sparked bypopular misconceptions, and prevent the recurrence of “strategic impulses” under the new logical narrative of the“Great Game” by clearing up these misconceptions.

Keywords: Central Asia; regional studies; geopolitical competition; state building; religious revival

The integration of literary historical studies on diverse themes: a review of The Cambridge Companion to the Classic Russian Novel

Peking University Ling Jianhou

Abstract: As the pioneering work of the “Cambridge Companions” on Russian topics, The Cambridge Companionto the Classic Russian Novel is doubtlessly a representative work contributed by the contemporary Western Slavicacademia to the subjects of the Russian literary tradition. The collection of essays, co-edited by two Anglo-Americanscholars and written by 14 famous experts, is both a monograph and a textbook by collective authors about nationalliterary studies, displaying the superb skills that the authors have accumulated in the field.The book is not onlystructurally unique, which can be summarized as “multiple themes being approached to illustrate the development ofthe tradition of the classic Russian novels”, but also praiseworthy in the selection of historical materials. This bookprovides Chinese scholars a mirror for reflection and a partner for conversations, enabling us to reflect on our ownstrengths and weaknesses in the trilaterally equal dialogues among Russia, Britain, and China.

Keywords: The Cambridge Companion to the Classic Russian Novel; monograph by collective authors; literary historical studies on diverse themes; Chinese school of Russian literary studies

Culture on the margins: Bakhtin’s poetics of carnivalization and Camille’s study of medieval arts

Peking University Wu Zhenyu

Abstract: Bakhtin’s carnival poetics has been widely used in many disciplines and, as an important compositionof his conversational philosophy, it has to some extent influenced the development of the humanities. This paperfocuses on Bakhtin’s intellectual resources in the field of “marginal culture”, especially the “Parisian cries” and“paintings in the white edges”, and examines their artistic and literary manifestations as a unique thread that leadsto a discussion between Bakhtin and contemporary art historian Michael Camille. Bakhtin viewed Rabelais’s workas employing a set of cultural mechanisms quite different from the traditional pursuit of “centrality” and discoveredthrough “centrifugal force” thinking an alternative logic of literary creation, the “l(fā)ogic of the periphery”. In adoptingthis logic, Camille noted in his study of medieval art that the marginality of literature and art would temporarilyprove too weak to resist the sobriety of realism, but that one day the margins would also move toward the center. Theauthor argues that Bakhtinian poetics has been applied as a sharp scalpel to interpret medieval paintings, manuscriptdrawings, market speech, and ultimately to help reconstruct the medieval period in all its many manifestations, whichstands as the proof for the international influence of Russian poetics represented by it.

Keywords: marginal culture; Bakhtin’s poetics of carnivalization; Michael Camille; images of the edge; studies in medieval art

Andrei Tarkovsky’s religious perspective on art: on the example of the elements of icons in the film Andrei Rublev

Nankai University Yang Qi

Abstract: Andrei Rublev is a turning point in the work of Andrei Tarkovsky. Taking icons as the starting point,this article analyzes Andrei Rublev and explores the spiritual connotation of the recurrent icon elements, such as StGeorge and the dragon and The Holy Trinity, in many Tarkovsky’s films, in a way that combines the history andculture of Orthodox icons, so as to further understand Tarkovsky’s artistic thinking. Influenced by Russian religiousculture and the works of Andrei Rublev and Dostoevsky and based on his observations of the problems of Russiansociety at the end of the twentieth century, Tarkovsky believed that an artist should act as a witness to the problemsof the times, guide people to find ways of combating spiritual deprivation and the emptiness of soul through his orher work, and enable them to find their spiritual roots, i.e., the ideals of love and sacrifice, with the faith of pilgrimsand the courage of martyrs even after the process of losing and finding their homes.

Keywords: Andrei Tarkovsky;AndreiRublev; icon; religion; art

Vibrato data analysis of world top vocalists on the basis of computer-aided research

Tchaikovsky Conservatory Vladimir P. Morozov

Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Peter V. Morozov

(Communication University of China Zhang Ximei Trans.)

Abstract: Vibrato is the most important singing technique and aesthetic feature of sound universally recognized byrelevant scholars and top vocalists across the world. By virtue of the independently-developed method and computerprogram for measuring singing vibrato, the research team extracted, tested, and carried out scientific statisticalanalysis of vocal samples of 55 famous vocalists from all over the world. As a result, the team obtained the vibratoparameters of the world famous bass Chaliapin and 6 male and female singing parts. Studies have shown that goodvibrato techniques will ameliorate and optimize the leap, penetration, noise immunity and clarity of the singingsound. Meanwhile, preliminary data illustrates that compared with in-phase vibrato, anti-phase vibrato can impartmore advanced aesthetic qualities to singing sound.

Keywords: vibrato; singing; top vocalist; data analysis

能源(2014年9期)2014-09-15 13:18:12
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