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2014-10-21 14:57RenMingjingLiJingfei
校園英語·下旬 2014年12期


【Abstract】This study aims to explore how Cooperative Learning (CL) activities can promote learner autonomy by examining several CL activities used in two non-major English classes.CL activities,such as collaborative group work and peer review activities,are designed to involve all the group members.Thus,it is possible to keep an effective learning process: CL activities → enhanced motivation → more autonomous learning.At the end of the semester,a questionnaire was given out to the learners,which could show they feel more motivated to study.Based on the learners' feedback on the CL activities and their expectations of the teacher showed in the questionnaire,some aspects that teachers should take into consideration in such teaching process are elaborated: ① pre-class lesson preparation and curriculum design,② in-class collaboration and interaction,③ after-class reflection,④the teachers role.

【Key words】Cooperative Learning;learner autonomy;group work;teacher's role


【關(guān)鍵詞】合作學(xué)習(xí) 學(xué)習(xí)者自主 小組活動(dòng) 教師角色


English language learner autonomy has become a hot issue in the profession of ELT in China,partly as a result of the recent incorporation of autonomy as a goal in national curriculum.College English Curriculum Requirements state that “colleges and universities should remould the existing unitary teacher-centered pattern of language teaching by introducing new teaching models…so that English language teaching will be geared towards students individualized and autonomous learning.” The new model should mobilize the initiative of both teachers and students and attach particular importance to the central role of students in the teaching and learning process.An important indicator of the successful reform of the teaching model is the autonomous learning ability on the part of students.Some Cooperative Leaning activies ways in which we improve students autonomy in college English teaching and lesson preparation,classroom interaction,evaluation and reflection will be exemplified in this paper.

2.Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning refers to a successful teaching strategy in which small teams,each with students of different levels of ability,use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a subject.Each member of a team is responsible not only for learning what is taught but also for helping teammates learn,thus creating an atmosphere of achievement.Students work through the assignment until all group members successfully understand and complete it.CL activities,such as collaborative group work and peer review activities,are designed to provide a structure that involves all the group members.Each member is provided enough freedom to choose their partners and working patterns,takes a certain degree of responsibility and contributes to the group's outcome collaboratively.CL activities also provide each group with “group autonomy” in which group members take control of their activities and make decisions and choices collaboratively on their own.Thus,it is possible to keep an effective learning process: CL activities → enhanced motivation → more autonomous learning.At the end of the semester,a questionnaire was given out to the learners,which could show they feel more motivated to study.

3.Result and discussion of the research

81 students in Harbin Institute of Technology are involved in the research.5-point Likert-type scale is used in the questionnaire analysis.Percentile and weighted Mean are used for illustration.

Learners attitude toward autonomous learning:

Questions Weighted Mean A% B% C% D% E%

I like the traditional teaching method which is popular in high school 2.46 6.7 18.7 36.9 28.7 9.0

I hope teachers could direct and supervise my study. 2.25 5.4 24.4 27.2 34.1 9.0

I think teachers should be focus of the class. 2.73 4.4 16.7 34.9 39.5 4.6

I think Cooperative Learning is of openness and creativity. 3.80 17.2 54.4 21.5 4.9 2.1

I feel motivated in Cooperative Learning. 3.31 7.7 33.8 43.6 11.5 3.3

Learners Expectation on Teachers:

Questions Weighted Mean A% B% C% D% E%

Teachers assistance give a great impact to my autonomous learning. 3.26 5.9 32.3 44.4 16.4 1.0

Teachers concern and encouragement acts as motivation for my study. 3.36 9.0 35.6 40.0 13.3 2.1

I hope teachers could give us a study plan in detail. 3.39 11.8 38.2 30.8 15.6 3.6

Learners hope teachers could provide learning strategies,learning materials,technological and emotional support to direct their learning.

4.Implications for teachers in the teaching process

Holec(1981,p.3)defined learner autonomy as “the ability to take charge of ones own learning”.It means students should be allowed and encouraged to shape their own learning as well as their own lives.We as teachers need to empower our students to accept responsibility for their own learning.But we should be warned of absolute autonomy on the part of students.We dont interpret learner autonomy as a refusal to their teachers guidance of any kind.Instead,learner autonomy is comparative independence as Little (1991,p.210) has argued that autonomy implies interdependence,rather than independence.It seems that teachers should be empowered to be free from constraints on their teaching.We also think it undesirable when teachers enjoy absolute freedom from control over professional action for the following reasons: an absolute degree of teacher autonomy is unlikely in all but the most ideal circumstances and that is unpractical; constraints on independent professional action are necessary to prevent abuse which will endanger learner autonomy by depriving learner's active role in the personal construction of knowledge in the teacher-centered pattern of language teaching.We believe that there is close link between the development of teacher autonomy and the improvement of learner autonomy.Just as learner autonomy can be fostered with the help of teachers involvement.Therefore,teacher identity is a combination of teacher and learner.

In order to promote learner autonomy,teachers need to have a capacity for self-directed teaching as a teacher and researcher and a capacity for self-directed learning as a learner.We will elaborate on this from the following aspects: ① Pre-class lesson preparation and curriculum design are highly emphasized.We believe teachers are the elder classmates of their students,using the same learning materials to prepare lessons just as students do the preview.Even if the curriculum we present to the learners has been designed by others,it is our interpretation of it that counts most for the learners in our classroom.② In-class collaboration and interaction is a creative process where both teachers and learners are actively involved in everything that happens in the classroom.In class,autonomous learners should be supported to take charge of their own learning while autonomous teachers are supposed to control their teaching by planning their own teaching activities,monitoring their progressing and evaluating their teaching performance.Teaching becomes a sort of research and research becomes a way of teaching.Teachers,as learners,become involved in a process of autonomization,thus feeling more empowered to take charge of their own action.Teachers have always said that they learn from their students.“It is personal development all the time in negotiation and in combination with learners”(Leni Dam1990).③ After-class reflection is important for teachers as well as for learners.“And in order to engage students in autonomous and effective reflection on their own learning,teachers need to constantly reflect on their own role in the classroom,monitoring the extent to which they constrain or scaffold students thinking and behaviour…”(Smith 2001) At the same time,teachers are greatly helped by what their students timely feedback towards their and their teachers classroom performance.④The teacher's role should be a motivator,evaluator and resources supplier.Due to learners reactive autonomy,teachers should: prescribe the learning plan and direction for the learners; arise learners learning autonomy; maintain learners motivation; provide technological and emotional support; make evaluation; encourage peer evaluation; provide selected resources; provide learning strategies.


In the teaching process Cooperative Learning (CL) activities can promote learner autonomy,which teachers should be aware of.More activities should be orgnized.College English teachers are also required to manage a shift to the student-centered pattern from the teacher-centered pattern when the teacher has all the say and relies on ready-made teachers reference books and electronic course materials.This change in the teaching model is the current ELT reform in China and an important indicator of the successful reform of the teaching model is the development of the autonomous learning ability on the part of students.The paper concludes that college English teachers have a lot to do before,in,and after class to foster their students autonomy.


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