[摘 要]目的 探討隨機森林算法在老年肺癌根治術后復發(fā)轉移預測模型構建中的應用價值。方法 選取2014年1月—2016年1月空軍軍醫(yī)大學第二附屬醫(yī)院收治的150例老年肺癌根治術患者作為建模組,將建模組相關因素的單因素分析結果中Plt;0.05的候選變量進行隨機森林算法建模,篩選術后復發(fā)和轉移的相關因素,根據重要性對影響因素排序,另選取2016年2月—2017年2月本院收治的70例行肺癌根治術的老年肺癌患者作為驗證組,對隨機森林圖模型進行驗證。結果 150例老年肺癌根治術患者隨訪期間44例(29.33%)復發(fā),51例(34.00%)轉移,20例(13.33%)同時出現(xiàn)復發(fā)和轉移。術后復發(fā)變量重要性排序依次為縱隔淋巴結轉移、淋巴結清掃個數(shù)、T分期、N分期、分化程度、病理分期、年齡、病灶直徑;術后轉移變量重要性排序依次為縱隔淋巴結轉移、N分期、淋巴結轉移個數(shù)、淋巴結清掃個數(shù)、T分期、分化程度、術后放化療、病理分期、年齡。采用隨機森林模型選取特征變量,隨機森林模型中縱隔淋巴結轉移、淋巴結清掃個數(shù)、T分期、N分期指標所建模型對術后復發(fā)的預測效能為0.904,縱隔淋巴結轉移、N分期、淋巴結轉移個數(shù)、淋巴結清掃個數(shù)、T分期指標所建模型對術后轉移的預測效能為0.897;外部驗證隨機森林模型預測老年肺癌術后復發(fā)效能為0.905,術后轉移效能為0.910,與內部驗證基本一致。結論 隨機森林預測模型的構建可在一定程度上預測老年肺癌根治術后復發(fā)及轉移的風險,為手術療效、術后輔助治療等提供臨床參考。
doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-7593.2024.06.004Construction and Validation of A Prediction Model for Recurrence and Metastasis of Elderly
Lung Cancer Patients after Radical Surgery Based on Random Forest Algorithm
Wang Juan, Liu Yongshi, Ni Yunfeng, Teng Xin, Jian Lihua, Zhao Ahong, Liu Jing, Yun Junru
Department of thoracic surgery, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Medical University, Xi’an 710038,China
Corresponding author:Yun Junru, email: 459392608@qq.com
[Abstract] Objective To explore the application value of random forest algorithm in the construction of recurrence and metastasis prediction model for elderly lung cancer patients after radical surgery. Methods A total of 150 elderly lung cancer patients who underwent radical surgery at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Medical University from January 2014 to January 2016 were selected as the modeling group. Random forest algorithm modeling was conducted on the candidate variables with Plt;0.05 in the univariate analysis results of the relevant factors in the modeling group to screen the factors related to postoperative recurrence and metastasis. The factors were ranked according to their importance. Another 70 elderly lung cancer patients who underwent radical surgery for lung cancer from February 2016 to February 2017 were selected as the validation group to validate the random forest graph model. Results During the follow-up period, 44 cases (29.33%) elderly patients with lung cancer undergoing radical surgery recurrence, 51 cases (34.00%) metastasis, and 20 cases (13.33%) had both recurrence and metastasis. Rank of importance of postoperative recurrence variables: mediastinal lymph node metastasis, number of lymph node dissection, T stage, N stage, degree of differentiation, pathological stage, age, lesion diameter. Rank of importance of postoperative metastasis variables: mediastinal lymph node metastasis, N stage, number of lymph node metastasis, number of lymph node dissection, T stage, degree of differentiation, postoperative chemoradiotherapy, pathological stage, age. The random forest model was used to select the characteristic variables. In the random forest model, the model built by the mediastinal lymph node metastasis, the number of lymph nodes dissected, the T stage and the N stage indexes had an efficacy of 0.904 in predicting postoperative recurrence. The predictive efficacy of the mediastinal lymph node metastasis, N stage, number of lymph node metastasis, number of lymph node dissection and T stage was 0.897. The externally validated random forest model predicted a postoperative recurrence efficacy of 0.905 and a postoperative metastasis efficacy of 0.910 for elderly lung cancer, which was in general agreement with the internal validation. Conclusion In this study, the construction of the random forest prediction model can predict the risk of recurrence and metastasis after radical resection of lung cancer in the elderly to a certain extent. It can provide clinical reference for surgical effect and postoperative adjuvant therapy.
[Key words] Radical surgery of lung cancer; Recurrence; Metastasis; Random forest algorithm; Lymph node metastasis
1 對象與方法
1.1 研究對象
選取2014年1月—2016年1月空軍軍醫(yī)大學第二附屬醫(yī)院收治的150例老年肺癌根治術患者作為建模組,另選取2016年2月—2017年2月同院收治的70例行肺癌根治術的老年肺癌患者作為驗證組。納入標準:①初治原發(fā)性肺癌;②年齡≥60歲;③經病理學檢查確診為單發(fā)病灶;④肺癌根治術成功完成,手術切緣陰性;⑤術前未接受靶向治療、放化療等新輔助治療;⑥臨床資料、隨訪結果完整可靠。排除標準:①存在其他部位惡性腫瘤;②伴有自身免疫性疾?。虎郯橛袊乐卮x性疾??;④手術死亡或圍術期出現(xiàn)嚴重并發(fā)癥;⑤存在肝、心、腎等嚴重臟器病變;⑥隨訪期間失訪;⑦非腫瘤原因死亡;⑧存在精神疾病。本研究符合《赫爾辛基宣言》要求,經本院倫理委員會批準,患者家屬自愿簽署知情同意書。1.2 方法
1.3 統(tǒng)計學方法
2 結果
2.1 隨訪情況
150例老年患者均進行定期隨訪,隨訪時間10~60個月,中位隨訪時間為22.8個月。隨訪期間44例復發(fā)(29.33%),其中21例為同側肺部復發(fā),15例為縱隔淋巴結復發(fā),3例為氣管殘端復發(fā),5例為同側胸膜復發(fā);51例轉移(34.00%),其中13例為骨轉移,12例為對側肺部轉移,6例為腦部轉移,9例為肝轉移,7例為腎轉移,4例為對側胸膜轉移; 20例(13.33%)患者術后同時出現(xiàn)復發(fā)和轉移。
2.2 老年肺癌根治術后復發(fā)和轉移的單因素分析
單因素分析顯示:年齡、病灶直徑、分化程度、病理分期、T分期、N分期、縱隔淋巴結轉移、淋巴結清掃個數(shù)及術后放化療均與老年肺癌根治術后復發(fā)有關(P<0.05),見表1;年齡、分化程度、病理分期、T分期、N分期、縱隔淋巴結轉移、淋巴結轉移個數(shù)、淋巴結清掃個數(shù)及術后放化療均與老年肺癌根治術后轉移有關(P<0.05),見表2。2.3 隨機森林模型特征變量的選取
2.4 隨機森林模型的建立
2.5 隨機森林圖模型的驗證
驗證組男37例,女33例,年齡60~79歲,平均(68.76±3.85)歲;體質量指數(shù)22~25 kg/m2,平均(23.69±0.56)kg/m2;病灶部位在左肺34例,右肺36例;病灶直徑1.5~4.0 cm,平均(2.79±0.43)cm;病理類型鱗癌18例,腺癌52例;術后復發(fā)21例,其中10例為同側肺部復發(fā),6例為縱隔淋巴結復發(fā),1例為同側腹膜復發(fā),4例為氣管殘端復發(fā);術后轉移25例,其中8例為骨轉移,7例為對側肺部轉移,3例為腦部轉移,4例為肝轉移,2例為腎轉移,1例為對側胸膜轉移;9例患者同時出現(xiàn)復發(fā)轉移。
3 討論
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